1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: :
5: - :
6: These indicate where a word originates from, not necessarily :
7: where it appeared first. Words attributed "DOUBLE" need the :
8: T3XFORTH DOUBLE word set to be loaded. :
9: :
10: BF Beginning FORTH, Paul Chirlian, Matrix Pub., 1983 :
11: EFORTH EFORTH 1.0, Bill Muench and C. H. Ting, 1990 :
12: F-79 FORTH-79 Standard, FORTH Standards Team, 1980 :
13: F-83 FORTH-83 Standard, FORTH Standards Team, 1983 :
14: FIG FORTH Interest Group 8086 FORTH, J.E. Smith, 1982 :
15: SF Starting FORTH, Leo Brodie, Prentice Hall, 1981 :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: - :
5: a an address r a return address :
6: c a byte / character u an unsigned number :
7: d a signed double word ud an unsigned double word :
8: f a flag (0 or 1) w a machine word :
9: n a signed number A|B value A or value B :
10: ( X Y | Z means either :
11: X and Y or just Z ) :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: - :
5: ( -- ) About the Glossary - :
6: "help" ^-- Properties Standard --^ :
7: ^-- Pronunciation :
8: The first line of each glossary entry lists the name of the :
9: word being described (blank in this case), its stack effect :
10: in parentheses, additional properties of the word (such as :
11: IMMEDIATE, VARIABLE, or DEFER (q.v.)), as well as the source :
12: from which the word was taken (e.g. F-79 for FORTH-79). :
13: To list the glossary entry of a word, type HELP word. To :
14: list this page, type HELP. :
15: Example: HELP DUP \ Print the glossary entry of DUP :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ! ( w a -- ) Code F-79 :
4: "store" :
5: Store machine word W at address A. :
6: Example: VARIABLE X 123 X ! \ Store 123 in X :
7: :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: # ( u -- u ) - :
4: # ( ud -- ud ) DOUBLE F-79 :
5: "sharp" :
6: Usage: between <# and #> -- Convert the least significant digit :
7: of U (with respect to BASE) to an ASCII digit and store it at :
8: HLD. Decrement HLD. Return U divided by BASE. Digits >9 are :
9: represented by upper-case roman letters (A...). When the double :
10: word set is loaded, convert an unsigned double number UD :
11: instead of U. :
12: Example: see <# :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: #> ( u -- a u ) - :
4: #> ( ud -- a u ) DOUBLE F-79 :
5: "less-sharp" :
6: End pictured number conversion. Remove the intermediate value U :
7: and return a counted string. When the double word set is loaded,:
8: remove a double-size intermediate value. :
9: Example: see <# :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: #S ( u -- 0 ) - :
4: #S ( ud -- 0d ) DOUBLE F-79 :
5: "sharp-s" :
6: Usage: between <# and #> -- Convert all remaining digits of the :
7: intermediate value U using #. When U equals 0, emit one ASCII 0.:
8: When the double word set is loaded, convert all digits of the :
9: unsigned double number UD. :
10: Example: see <# :
11: :
12: #TIB ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-83 :
13: "number-t-i-b" :
14: The number of characters currently in the terminal input :
15: buffer (TIB). :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "string-quote" :
5: Usage: $" ccc" -- Return the address of a packed string :
6: containing the characters ccc. :
7: Example: : FOO $" Hello" COUNT TYPE ; \ Print Hello :
8: :
9: $+ ( a1 -- a1 a2 ) - :
10: "string-plus" :
11: Return the address (A2) of the first byte after the packed :
12: string at A1. Leave the address of the string on the stack. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: $, ( -- ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "string-comma" :
5: Usage: $" ccc" -- Compile packed string to dictionary. Used by :
6: $" and ." and similar words. :
7: :
8: ' ( -- a ) F-83 :
9: "tick" :
10: Usage: ' name -- Look up the given name in the dictionary and :
11: return its PFA. When a word compiles ' then the word will read :
12: a name a run time. To compile the address of a word as a :
13: literal, use [']. :
14: Example: ' QUIT \ the PFA of QUIT :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: '?KEY ( -- a ) VARIABLE EFORTH :
4: "tick-question-key" :
5: The PFA of the function receiving characters from the console :
6: (see ?KEY). :
7: :
9: "tick-emit" :
10: The PFA of the function sending characters to the console (see :
11: EMIT). :
12: :
13: 'NUMBER ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
14: "tick-number" :
15: The PFA of the function parsing numbers. See NUMBER. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ( ( -- ) IMMEDIATE F-79 :
4: "paren" :
5: Usage: ( ccc) -- A comment, all characters between the :
6: parentheses will be ignored. :
7: Example: ( this will be ignored ) :
8: :
9: ($") ( -- a ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
10: "do-string-quote" :
11: The runtime part of $" (q.v.). Skip over a packed string and :
12: return its address. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (+LOOP) ( n -- ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "do-plus-loop" :
5: The runtime part of +LOOP (q.v.). :
6: :
7: (.") ( -- a ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
8: "do-dot-quote" :
9: The runtime part of ." (q.v.). :
10: :
11: (/LOOP) ( n -- ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
12: "do-up-loop" :
13: The runtime part of /LOOP (q.v.). :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (0BRANCH) ( f -- ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "do-zero-branch" :
5: "Branch on false." If F is 0, branch to the address stored :
6: in the subsequent machine word. If F is not 0, skip over the :
7: subsequent machine word. :
8: :
9: (ABORT") ( f -- ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
10: "do-abort-quote" :
11: Usage: ABORT" ccc" -- If F is not zero, print the characters :
12: ccc, followed by "?" and a CR, and abort program execution :
13: via ABORT. If F is zero, do nothing. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (BRANCH) ( -- ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "do-branch" :
5: Jump to the address stored in the subsequent machine word. :
6: :
7: (COLON) ( -- ; -- r ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
8: "do-colon" :
9: The address list interpreter; the runtime part of : (q.v.). :
10: :
11: (CONSTANT) ( -- w ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
12: "do-constant" :
13: The runtime part of CONSTANT (q.v.). :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (DEFER) ( -- ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "do-defer" :
5: The default runtime action of DEFER (q.v.). :
6: :
7: (DO) ( n n -- ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
8: "do-do" :
9: The runtime part of DO (q.v.). :
10: :
11: (DOES>) ( -- a ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
12: "do-does" :
13: The runtime part of DOES> (q.v.). :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (FENCE) ( -- ) - :
4: "paren-fence" :
5: The last word in the dictionary that is by default protected :
6: against removal by FORGET. See FENCE. When executed, does :
7: nothing. :
8: :
9: (FORTH) ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
10: "paren-forth" :
11: The vocabulary pointer used by FORTH (q.v.). :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (LIT) ( -- w ) Code COMPILE-ONLY EFORTH :
4: "do-literal" :
5: Push the value in the subsequent machine word to the stack and :
6: skip over the machine word. Used to push literal numbers. :
7: :
8: (LOOP) ( -- ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
9: "do-loop" :
10: The runtime part of LOOP (q.v.). :
11: :
12: (PAD) ( u1 u2 -- u1 ) - :
13: "paren-pad" :
14: If U2 is greater than U1, emit U2-U1 spaces. Used by .R and :
15: U.R to pad output. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: (QUIT) ( -- ) IS QUIT - :
4: "do-quit" :
5: The word implementing QUIT (q.v.). :
6: :
7: (VAR) ( -- a ) Code COMPILE-ONLY - :
8: "do-variable" :
9: The runtime part of VARIABLE (q.v.). :
10: :
11: * ( w1 w2 -- w ) F-79 :
12: "star" :
13: Pop W1 and W2 and leave their product on the stack. :
14: Example: 3 4 * \ gives 12 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: */ ( n1 n2 n2 -- n ) F-83 :
4: "star-slash" :
5: Pop three values and leave N1 * N2 / N3 on the stack. The :
6: intermediate result of N1 * N2 has double precision, so no :
7: overflow can occur as long as the final results has single :
8: precision. :
9: Example: 10000 355 113 */ \ gives 31415 :
10: :
11: */MOD ( n n n -- nm nq ) F-83 :
12: "star-slash-mod" :
13: Like */, but also leaves the division remainder (modulo) on :
14: the stack. NM is the remainder and NQ the floored quotient. :
15: Example: 10000 355 113 */ \ gives 105 31415 :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: + ( n n -- n ) F-79 :
4: "plus" :
5: Remove two values and leave their sum on the stack. :
6: Example: 3 4 + \ gives 7 :
7: :
8: +! ( n a -- ) F-79 :
9: "plus-store" :
10: Add the value N to the value at the address A. :
11: Example: VARIABLE X 1 X ! 2 X +! \ X is now 3 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "plus-loop" :
5: Usage: DO ... n +LOOP -- Add N to the index of the innermost DO :
6: loop. When the updated index is lower than the loop limit, jump :
7: back to the start of loop. Otherwise, remove the index and limit:
8: and exit the loop. :
9: Example: : FOO 10 2 DO I . 2 +LOOP ; \ print 2 4 6 8 :
10: :
11: , ( n -- ) F-79 :
12: "comma" :
13: Compile the machine word N into the next free dictionary :
14: location. :
15: Example: 123 , \ compiles 123 into the dictionary :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: - ( n1 n2 -- n ) F-79 :
4: "minus" :
5: Remove two values and return their difference, N1-N2. :
6: Example: 7 5 - \ gives 2 :
7: :
8: -1 ( -- n ) CONSTANT - :
9: "minus-one" :
10: A constant with the value -1. Takes up less space than a :
11: literal. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: -ROT ( w1 w2 w3 -- w3 w1 w2 ) - :
4: "dash-rote" "down-rote" :
5: Rotate the top of the stack down to the third position. This :
6: is the inverse operation of ROT. :
7: Example: >R -ROT R> -ROT \ swap two double words :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: -TEXT ( a1 u a2 -- n ) SF :
4: "dash-text" "not-text" :
5: Compare two strings A1 and A2, both of length U. When they are :
6: equal, return 0. If they differ, return the difference between :
7: the first differing characters. E.g. comparing "FOX" and "FOB" :
8: will return 22, because "X" has the ASCII code 88, "B" has the :
9: ASCII code 66, and 88-66 = 22. :
10: Example: : FOO $" FOX" COUNT $" FOB" -TEXT ; \ X-B = 22 :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: -TRAILING ( a n -- a n ) F-79 :
4: "dash-trailing" "not-trailing" :
5: Remove trailing blank characters from the string at address A :
6: with length N. Return A unchanged and a new length N. :
7: Example: : FOO $" FOO " COUNT -TRAILING ; \ gives "FOO" 3 :
8: :
9: . ( n -- ) F-79 :
10: "dot" :
11: Print N as a signed number with respect to the current BASE, :
12: followed by one space character. :
13: Example: 123 . \ print 123 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ." ( -- ) IMMEDIATE COMPILE-ONLY F-83 :
4: "dot-quote" :
5: Usage: ." ccc" -- Print the characters ccc. At compile time, :
6: compile the runtime part of the word and store the characters :
7: ccc in memory as a packed string. The runtime word will skip :
8: over the string and output its characters. :
9: Example: : FOO ." Hello, World" ; \ print greeting :
10: :
11: .( ( -- ) IMMEDIATE F-83 :
12: "dot-paren" :
13: Usage: .( ccc) -- Print the characters ccc. :
14: Example: .( hello ) \ print hello (and a trailing blank) :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: .OK ( -- ) - :
4: "dot-o-k" :
5: Print the string "OK" except when currently compiling. Then :
6: emit a CR (even when compiling). :
7: :
8: .R ( n1 n2 -- ) FIG :
9: "dot-r" :
10: Print N1 as a signed number with respect to the current BASE, :
11: right-padded in a field of N2 blank characters. If N2 is less :
12: than the number of characters occupied by N1, do not emit any :
13: padding spaces, but still print the complete number N1. :
14: Example: 123 5 .R \ print " 123" :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: .S ( -- ) EFORTH :
4: "dot-s" :
5: Print the values currently on the stack, starting at the top :
6: of the stack and progressing towards values stored deeper on :
7: the stack. :
8: Example: 1 2 3 .S \ print 3 2 1 :
9: :
10: / ( n1 n2 -- n ) F-83 :
11: "slash" :
12: Remove two values and return their floored quotient, N1 / N2. :
13: Example: 36 7 / \ gives 5 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: /LOOP ( u -- ) SF :
4: "up-loop" :
5: Usage: DO ... n /LOOP -- Like +LOOP (q.v.), but the loop index :
6: and limit are unsigned values. :
7: Example: 32770 32760 DO I U. 5 /LOOP ; \ print 32765 32770 :
8: :
9: /MOD ( n1 n2 -- nm nq ) F-83 :
10: "slash-mod" :
11: Remove two values and return their floored quotient :
12: NQ = N1 / N2 and division remainder NM = N1 mod N2. :
13: Example: 38 7 /MOD \ gives 3 5 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 0 ( -- n ) CONSTANT FIG :
4: "zero" :
5: A constant with the value 0. Takes up less space than a :
6: literal. :
7: :
8: 0< ( n -- f ) Code F-79 :
9: "zero-less" :
10: Return truth, if N is less than 0. :
11: Example: -1 0< \ gives -1 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 0= ( w -- f ) F-79 :
4: "zero-equals" :
5: Return truth, if N is equal to 0. :
6: Example: 0 0= \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: 0> ( n -- f ) F-79 :
9: "zero-greater" :
10: Return truth, if N is greater than 0. :
11: Example: 1 0> \ gives -1 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 0SAVE ( -- f ) - :
4: "zero-save" :
5: Save buffer 0 to disk, if its UPDATE (q.v.) flag is set. :
6: Return 0, if the buffer could not be saved, and otherwise 1. :
7: :
8: 1 ( -- n ) CONSTANT FIG :
9: "one" :
10: A constant with the value 1. Takes up less space than a :
11: literal. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 1+ ( n -- n ) F-79 :
4: "one-plus" :
5: Add 1 to N. :
6: Example: 1 1+ \ gives 2 :
7: :
8: 1- ( n -- n ) F-79 :
9: "one-minus" :
10: Subtract 1 from N. :
11: Example: 3 1- \ gives 2 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 1SAVE ( -- f ) - :
4: "one-save" :
5: Save buffer 1 to disk, if its UPDATE (q.v.) flag is set. :
6: Return 0, if the buffer could not be saved, and otherwise 1. :
7: :
8: 2 ( -- n ) CONSTANT FIG :
9: "two" :
10: A constant with the value 2. Takes up less space than a :
11: literal. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2! ( d a -- ) F-79 :
4: "two-store" :
5: Store double word D at address A. :
6: Example: VARIABLE X 0 , 0 0 X 2! \ store 0 0 in X :
7: :
8: 2* ( n -- n ) SF :
9: "two-star" :
10: Multiply N by 2. :
11: Example: 5 2* \ gives 10 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2+ ( n -- n ) F-79 :
4: "two-plus" :
5: Add 2 to N. :
6: Example: 5 2+ \ gives 7 :
7: :
8: 2- ( n -- n) F-79 :
9: "two-minus" :
10: Subtract 2 from N. :
11: Example: 5 2- \ gives 3 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2/ ( n -- n ) F-83 :
4: "two-slash" :
5: Divide N by 2. :
6: Example: 9 2/ \ gives 4 (floored) :
7: :
8: 2@ ( a -- d ) F-79 :
9: "two-fetch" :
10: Fetch a double word from address A and push it to the stack. :
11: Example: VARIABLE X 0 , X 2@ \ gives 0 0 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2CONSTANT ( d -- ) Defining Word DOUBLE F-79 :
4: "two-constant" :
5: Usage: double-value 2CONSTANT name -- Create a new word with :
6: the given name that, when executed, will return the given :
7: double-size value. :
8: Example: 1,000,000 2CONSTANT ONE-MILLION :
9: :
10: 2DROP ( d -- ) F-79 :
11: "two-drop" :
12: Remove a double word from the stack. :
13: Example: 1 2 3 2DROP \ gives 1 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2DUP ( d -- d d ) F-79 :
4: "two-dupe" :
5: Push another copy of the double word on top of the stack. :
6: Example: 1 2 2DUP \ gives 1 2 1 2 :
7: :
8: 2OVER ( d1 d2 -- d1 d2 d1 ) F-79 :
9: "two-over" :
10: Push another copy of the double word below the double word :
11: on top of the stack. :
12: Example: 1 2 3 4 2OVER \ gives 1 2 3 4 1 2 :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2ROT ( d1 d2 d3 -- d2 d3 d1 ) DOUBLE F-79 :
4: Rotate the third double-word element on the stack to the top. :
5: Example: 1 1 2 2 3 3 2ROT \ gives 2 2 3 3 1 1 :
6: :
7: 2SWAP ( d1 d2 -- d2 d1 ) F-79 :
8: "two-swap" :
9: Swap the two double words on top of the stack. :
10: Example: 1 2 3 4 2SWAP \ gives 3 4 1 2 :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: 2VARIABLE ( -- ) Defining Word DOUBLE F-79 :
4: "two-variable" :
5: Usage: 2VARIABLE name -- Create a new variable and allocate :
6: 2 cells for its value. May be used to store double words or :
7: two words. :
8: Example: :
9: 2VARIABLE X/Y 10 20 X/Y 2! :
10: \ create variable X/Y and store 10 and 20 in it :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: : ( -- ) Defining Word F-79 :
4: "colon" :
5: Usage: : NAME words ; -- Add the given name to the dictionary, :
6: store the address of (COLON) in its code field, and compile :
7: words and numeric literals until the word ; (q.v.) is found. :
8: The resulting dictionary entry will execute the given words :
9: when itself executed. :
10: Example: : SQUARE ( n -- n ) DUP * ; \ x-squared function :
11: :
12: ; ( -- ) IMMEDIATE COMPILE-ONLY F-79 :
13: "semicolon" :
14: Compile EXIT (q.v.) and stop the compiler (see :). :
15: Example: see : :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: < ( n1 n2 -- f ) F-79 :
4: "less-than" :
5: Return truth, if N1 is less than N2. :
6: Example: 5 7 < \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: <# ( ud -- u ) - :
9: <# ( ud -- ud ) DOUBLE F-79 :
10: "less-sharp" :
11: Begin pictured number conversion. When the double word set is :
12: not loaded, remove the high word of the unsigned double UD. :
13: Example: :
14: : FOO DUP ABS 0 <# # # [CHAR] . HOLD #S SIGN #> TYPE ; :
15: \ print number as #.## with optional minus sign :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: <> ( w1 w2 -- f ) - :
4: "not-equal" :
5: Return truth, if W1 is not equal to W2. :
6: Example: 1 2 <> \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: <BUILDS ( -- ) Defining Word FIG :
9: "builds" :
10: Usage: : name p1 <BUILDS p2 DOES> p3 ; -- Create a new :
11: dictionary entry and set it up for use with DOES>. The words :
12: in P2 will set up the parameter field of the new word and P3 :
13: is the runtime part of the new word. :
14: Example: see DOES> :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: <CMOVE ( a1 a2 n -- ) SF :
4: "reverse-c-move" :
5: Copy N bytes from A1 to A2. Start copying at the end of the :
6: block, so the byte at A1+N-1 will be copied to A2+N-1 first. :
7: Used to copy a block to an overlapping block at a higher :
8: address. When N<1, do nothing. :
9: Example: see CMOVE :
10: :
11: = ( w1 w2 -- f ) F-79 :
12: "equals" :
13: Return truth, if W1 equals W2. :
14: Example: 5 5 = \ gives -1 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: > ( n1 n2 -- f ) F-79 :
4: "greater" :
5: Return truth, if N1 is greater than N2. :
6: Example: 7 5 > \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: >CFA ( a -- a ) - :
9: "to-c-f-a" :
10: Given a name field address (NFA), return the corresponding :
11: code field address (CFA). :
12: Example: LAST @ >CFA \ CFA of most recent definition :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: >CHAR ( n -- c ) EFORTH :
4: "to-char" :
5: Convert a number to the ASCII code of a printable character. :
6: First set all but the least significant seven bits to zero. :
7: If the result is not in the range 32..126, replace it with :
8: code 95 (the underscore character _). :
9: Example: 7 >CHAR \ gives _ character :
10: :
11: >IN ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
12: "to-in" :
13: The offset of the next character to be read from the current :
14: input buffer. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: >LFA ( a -- a ) - :
4: "to-l-f-a" :
5: Given a name field address (NFA), return the corresponding :
6: link field address (LFA). :
7: Example: LAST @ >LFA \ LFA of most recent definition :
8: :
9: >NFA ( a -- a ) - :
10: "to-n-f-a" :
11: Given a parameter field address (PFA), return the corresponding :
12: name field address (NFA). :
13: Example: ' QUIT >NFA \ NFA of QUIT :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: >PFA ( a -- a ) - :
4: "to-p-f-a" :
5: Given a name field address (NFA), return the corresponding :
6: parameter field address (LFA). :
7: Example: LAST @ >PFA \ PFA of most recent definition :
8: :
9: ?0>DUP ( n -- n n | F ) - :
10: "question-zero-greater-dupe" :
11: If N is greater than zero, push another copy of it, else :
12: replace it with false. Used to test for positive arguments. :
13: Example: -1 ?0>DUP \ gives 0 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: >R ( w -- ; -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "to-r" :
5: Move one machine word from the parameter stack to the return :
6: stack. :
7: Example: see -ROT :
8: :
9: ? ( a -- ) F-79 :
10: "question" :
11: Print the value at A using . (dot). :
12: Example: VARIABLE X 123 X ! X ? \ print 123 :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?COMPILE-ONLY ( a -- a ) - :
4: "question-compile-only" :
5: Abort with an error message, if the word whose PFA is A is :
6: marked COMPILE-ONLY. Otherwise return A. :
7: Example: ' IF ?COMPILE-ONLY \ aborts :
8: :
9: ?DIGIT ( c -- u T | F ) - :
10: "question-digit" :
11: When C is the ASCII code of a digit with respect to the :
12: current BASE, return the value of the digit and truth. :
13: Otherwise return false. Upper-case characters are recognized :
14: as digits with values greater than 9. :
15: Example: [CHAR] 9 ?DIGIT \ gives 9 1 (if BASE is decimal) :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?DUP ( w -- w w | w ) F-79 :
4: "question-dupe" :
5: If W is not zero, push another copy of it. :
6: Example: 1 ?DUP \ gives 1 1 :
7: :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?ENOUGH ( -- ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "question-enough" :
5: Write a : character and wait for a character to be received :
6: from the current input device and then erase the : character :
7: using BACKSPACE. If the received character is "q", make the :
8: calling word exit. Otherwise do nothing. Used for emitting :
9: output in limited chunks. :
10: Example: :
11: : FOO ?ENOUGH 1 ; \ when pressing "q", 1 is never pushed :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?EXIT-CACHED ( u -- a | u ; | r ) - :
4: "question-exit-cached" :
5: If the block U is in any of the two block buffers, return the :
6: address of the buffer and exit the calling word via EXIT. When :
7: the block U is not in any buffer, return the requested block :
8: number (in this case the caller will not exit). :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?FIND ( a -- a f ) - :
4: "question-find" :
5: Attempt to find a dictionary entry whose name matches the :
6: packed string A. First look up the name in the CONTEXT :
7: dictionary. When the CONTEXT dictionary is not FORTH, also :
8: look it up in the FORTH dictionary. When a matching entry :
9: is found, return its PFA and 1, otherwise return A and 0. :
10: Example: : FOO $" DUP" ?FIND ; \ gives the PFA of DUP :
11: :
12: ?I/O ( f -- ) - :
13: "question-i-slash-o" :
14: If F is false, report an input/output (I/O) error, empty the :
15: buffers, and call ABORT. Otherwise do nothing. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?IMMEDIATE ( a -- a f ) - :
4: "question-immediate" :
5: Return a non-zero value if the word whose PFA is A is an :
6: immediate word. Leave A on the stack. :
7: Example: : FOO ['] IF ?IMMEDIATE ; \ gives 128 :
8: :
9: ?KEY ( -- c T | F ) EFORTH :
10: "question-key" :
11: Check if a character is available from the current input :
12: device. When a character is available, return the character :
13: and truth, otherwise return false. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?MORE ( -- f ) - :
4: "question-more" :
5: Return truth, if further characters are available in the :
6: current input buffer. :
7: :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?NUMBER ( a -- n T | F ) - :
4: ?NUMBER ( a -- d T | F ) DOUBLE - :
5: "question-number" :
6: Attempt to convert the string at A+1 to a signed number. :
7: Return its value and T if the conversion succeeds, otherwise :
8: return false. The first character of the string may be a minus :
9: sign, which negates the value of the resulting number. The :
10: digits of the number are converted by CONVERT with respect to :
11: the current BASE. The first character after the digits in the :
12: string must be a blank character. :
13: When the double word set is loaded, ?NUMBER will return a :
14: double-size number D in case of success. :
15: Example: : FOO $" 123 " ?NUMBER ; \ gives 123 1 :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?SAME ( a1 a2 -- f ) Code - :
4: "question-same" :
5: Return truth when the packed string at A1 matches the :
6: dictionary entry at A2. Note: the dictionary entry will be :
7: in a special format, so swapping the arguments of ?SAME will :
8: cause an undefined result. Characters of A1 must be in upper :
9: case. :
10: : FOO $" DUP" ['] DUP >NFA ?SAME ; \ gives -1 :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ?STACK ( -- ) FIG :
4: "question-stack" :
5: When the stack pointer points to a memory location outside of :
6: that reserved for the stack, report an error and abort program :
7: execution. :
8: Example: DROP \ will abort on an empty stack :
9: :
10: ?WHAT ( a -- ) - :
11: "question-what" :
12: Write the packed string at A, followed by a question mark, and :
13: call ABORT. Used to report errors. :
14: : FOO $" HUH" ?WHAT ; \ will abort with "HUH?" :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: @ ( a -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "fetch" :
5: Fetch the machine word at A and return it. :
6: Example: VARIABLE X X @ \ gives 0 :
7: :
8: @EXECUTE ( a -- ) EFORTH :
9: "fetch-execute" :
10: Fetch the machine word at A and, if it not zero, EXECUTE it. :
11: Example: VARIABLE X X @EXECUTE \ do nothing :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ABORT ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "abort" :
5: Abort program execution. Clear the stack and the return stack :
6: and pass control to the interpreter. :
7: :
9: "abort-quote" :
10: Usage: ABORT" ccc" -- If F is true, write the characters ccc, :
11: followed by a question mark and then abort program execution :
12: via ABORT (q.v.). When F is false, do nothing. :
13: Example: : OOPS 1 ABORT" BOOM" ; \ always aborts :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ABS ( n -- u ) F-79 :
4: "absolute" :
5: Return the absolute value (distance from zero) of N. :
6: Example: -5 ABS \ gives 5 :
7: :
8: ACTIVE ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
9: The most recently accessed buffer, 0 or 1. Only this buffer :
10: contains valid data. When no buffer is active, ACTIVE is -1. :
11: :
12: ACTIVATE ( u -- ) - :
13: Mark the buffer containing disk block number U active. :
14: Note: A buffer containing block U must exist. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "again" :
5: Usage: BEGIN ... AGAIN -- Jump back to the corresponding :
6: occurrence of BEGIN. Words between BEGIN and AGAIN will execute :
7: indefinitely unless the word containing them exits (see EXIT). :
8: Example: :
10: \ emit an infinite number of X characters :
11: :
12: ALLOT ( n -- ) F-79 :
13: "allot" :
14: Allocate N bytes in the dictionary. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: AND ( w1 w2 -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "and" :
5: Return the bitwise logical AND of W1 and W2. :
6: Example: 16 7 AND \ gives 7 :
7: :
8: ARRAY ( u -- ) Defining Word - :
9: "array" :
10: Usage: size ARRAY name -- Create an array of the given size :
11: and name. The array size is given in cells. Subsequently :
12: executing N NAME will return the address of the n'th element :
13: of the array NAME. :
14: Example: 10 ARRAY FOO 9 FOO \ address of last element of FOO :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: B/BUF ( -- u ) CONSTANT FIG :
4: "bytes-per-buffer" :
5: The number of bytes in a buffer or disk block. :
6: :
7: B/LINE ( -- u ) CONSTANT - :
8: "bytes-per-line" :
9: The number of bytes per line in a FORTH screen. :
10: :
11: B0ADDR ( -- a ) CONSTANT - :
12: "b-0-address" :
13: The address of the first disk buffer. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: B0BUF ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
4: "b-0-buffer" :
5: The number of the block stored in the first disk buffer (or -1, :
6: if no block is stored in the buffer). :
7: :
8: B0UPD ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
9: "b-0-updated" :
10: The update flag of the first disk buffer (see UPDATE). :
11: :
12: B1ADDR ( -- a ) CONSTANT - :
13: "b-1-address" :
14: The address of the second disk buffer. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: B1BUF ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
4: "b-1-buffer" :
5: The number of the block stored in the second disk buffer (or -1,:
6: if no block is stored in the buffer). :
7: :
8: B1UPD ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
9: "b-1-updated" :
10: The update flag of the second disk buffer (see UPDATE). :
11: :
12: BACKSPACE ( -- ) - :
13: "backspace" :
14: Emit a destructive backspace sequence: blank, backspace, and :
15: another blank. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: BASE ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
4: "base" :
5: The current base for numeric conversion. Valid bases range from :
6: 2 to 36. Digits with values greater than 9 are represented by :
7: upper-case roman letters (A...). :
8: :
10: "begin" :
11: Usage: BEGIN ... condition WHILE body ... REPEAT :
12: Usage: BEGIN body ... condition UNTIL :
13: Usage: BEGIN body ... AGAIN :
14: Begin an unbounded loop (see WHILE and UNTIL) or an infinite :
15: loop (see AGAIN). :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: BELL ( -- ) - :
4: "bell" :
5: Sound the console bell by sending a BEL character. :
6: :
7: BINARY ( -- ) - :
8: "binary" :
9: Set BASE to 2 (binary). :
10: :
11: BL ( -- n ) CONSTANT FIG :
12: "b-l" :
13: The ASCII code of the blank (white space) character. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: BLANK ( a n -- ) SF :
4: "blank" :
5: Fill N bytes starting at A with blank characters. When N<0, :
6: do nothing. :
7: Example: PAD 100 BLANK \ fill PAD with 100 blanks :
8: :
9: BLK ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
10: "b-l-k" :
11: The block number of the block that currently serves as an :
12: input buffer. When the value of BLK is 0, input is read from :
13: the terminal input buffer (TIB). :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: BLOCK ( u -- a ) F-83 :
4: "block" :
5: Locate a buffer containing disk block U and return the address :
6: of that buffer. When no buffer contains the desired disk block, :
7: allocate a new buffer and load the disk block into it. When no :
8: buffer is unallocated, allocate the least-recently used one. :
9: When that buffer is flagged "updated" (see UPDATE), write the :
10: buffer before allocating it (see SAVE-BUFFERS). When a buffer :
11: cannot be written by SAVE-BUFFERS or read by BLOCK, an error :
12: is reported. In case of success BLOCK always returns the address:
13: of a buffer containing the desired disk block. :
14: Example: 1 BLOCK \ load first disk block :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: BUFFER ( u -- a ) F-83 :
4: "buffer" :
5: BUFFER is like BLOCK, but does not actually load the disk block :
6: number U. It merely allocates a buffer for it and leaves the :
7: content of the buffer undefined. :
8: Example: 999 BUFFER \ allocate block 999 :
9: :
10: BYE ( -- ) Code FIG :
11: "bye" :
12: Shut down the FORTH system. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: C! ( c a -- ) Code F-79 :
4: "c-store" :
5: Store the byte/character C at address A. :
6: Example: :
7: : FOO $" FOO" DUP 1+ [CHAR] G SWAP C! ; :
8: \ change "FOO" to "GOO" :
9: :
10: C, ( c -- ) FIG :
11: "c-comma" :
12: Compile the byte/character C into the next free dictionary :
13: location. :
14: Example: [CHAR] x C, \ compile ASCII code of "x" :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: C@ ( a -- c ) Code F-79 :
4: "c-fetch" :
5: Fetch and return the byte/character at address A. :
6: Example: : FOO $" FOO" 1+ C@ ; \ gives character "f" :
7: :
8: CELL ( -- n ) CONSTANT - :
9: "cell" :
10: The size of a cell in bytes. :
11: :
12: CELL+ ( n -- n ) EFORTH :
13: "cell-plus" :
14: Add the size of a cell to N. :
15: Example: VARIABLE X ' X CELL+ \ move to cell after X :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CELL- ( n -- n ) EFORTH :
4: "cell-minus" :
5: Subtract the size of a cell from N. :
6: :
7: CELLS ( n -- n ) EFORTH :
8: "cells" :
9: Multiply N by the size of a cell. :
10: Example: 10 CELLS ALLOT \ allocate 10 cells :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CFA>PFA ( a -- a ) - :
4: "c-f-a-to-p-f-a" :
5: Given the code field address (PFA) of a word, move to its :
6: parameter field address (PFA). :
7: Example: ' QUIT PFA>CFA \ CFA of QUIT :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CMOVE ( a a n -- ) F-79 :
4: "c-move" :
5: Copy N bytes from A1 to A2. Start copying at the beginning of :
6: the block, so the byte at A1+N-1 will be copied to A2+N-1 first.:
7: Used to copy a block to an overlapping block at a lower address.:
8: When N<1, do nothing. :
9: Example: :
10: : FOO $" FOO" COUNT PAD SWAP <CMOVE ; \ copy "FOO" to PAD :
11: :
12: COLD ( -- ) Code FIG :
13: "cold" :
14: Cold-boot the FORTH system. Re-initialize the I/O devices and :
15: then execute RESET (q.v.). :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "compile" :
5: Usage: COMPILE word -- Compile the PFA of the subsequent word :
6: to the dictionary and skip over (do not execute) that word. :
7: Example: : FOO COMPILE BAR ; \ compile BAR when FOO executes :
8: :
9: COMPILE-ONLY ( -- ) - :
10: "compile-only" :
11: Mark the most recently created word "compile-only". When a :
12: word marked "compile-only" is found by the interpreter (see :
13: INTERPRET), will complain instead of executing it. :
14: Example: : FOO ; COMPILE-ONLY \ FOO is now compile-only :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CONSOLE ( -- ) EFORTH :
4: "console" :
5: Direct interactive input output to the console device by :
6: setting '?KEY and 'EMIT (q.v.). :
7: :
8: CONSTANT ( w -- ) Defining Word F-79 :
9: "constant" :
10: Usage: value CONSTANT name -- Create a new word with the given :
11: name that, when executed, will return the given value. :
12: Example: 1024 CONSTANT BLOCKSIZE :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CONTEXT ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
4: "context" :
5: The context dictionary, i.e. the vocabulary that will be :
6: searched for definitions by the interpreter and the compiler. :
7: The value stored in CONTEXT is the PFA of a VOCABULARY (q.v.). :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CONVERT ( u a -- u a ) F-79 :
4: CONVERT ( ud a -- ud a ) DOUBLE F-79 :
5: "convert" :
6: Convert any digits (with respect to BASE) found at A+1 to :
7: values. For each digit found, multiply U by BASE and add the :
8: value of the digit to it. Stop when a non-digit character is :
9: found. Return the new value of U and the address of the :
10: non-digit character. When the double word set is loaded, add :
11: values to the double-size number UD and set DBL to 1 when a :
12: comma is found among the digit characters. The comma will then :
13: be ignored and conversion continues. :
14: Example: : FOO 12 $" 34xxx" CONVERT DROP ; \ gives 1234 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: COPY ( usrc udest -- ) SF :
4: "copy" :
5: Load disk block USRC (source) via BLOCK and then change its :
6: block number to UDEST (destination). Subsequently updating :
7: and flushing the block will copy the content of disk block :
8: USRC to disk block UDEST. (See also: UPDATE, SAVE-BUFFERS.) :
9: Example: 100 101 COPY UPDATE FLUSH \ copy block 100 to 101 :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: COUNT ( a1 -- a2 n ) F-79 :
4: "count" :
5: Unpack a packed string at A1 by extracting its count and :
6: advancing to its characters. The returned value A2 is the :
7: address of the characters of A1 and N is its length. :
8: Example: : FOO $" FOO" COUNT ; \ gives "FOO" 3 :
9: :
10: CR ( -- ) F-79 :
11: "c-r" "carriage return" :
12: Print a newline sequence (CR, LF). :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CREATE ( -- ) Defining Word F-79 :
4: "create" :
5: Usage: CREATE name -- Create a new dictionary entry, but do not :
6: link it into the dictionary. Store the name field address (NFA) :
7: of the new entry in the variable LAST. Once linked, the new word:
8: will return its PFA when executed. The parameter field of the :
9: new word has a length of 0. :
10: Example: CREATE FOO \ create entry named FOO :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: CURRENT ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
4: "current" :
5: The current dictionary, i.e. the vocabulary to which new :
6: definitions will be added. The value stored in CURRENT is :
7: the PFA of a VOCABULARY (q.v.). :
8: :
9: CURSOR ( ux uy -- ) Code, BIOS version only - :
10: "cursor" :
11: Move cursor to row y, column x. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: D+ ( d d -- d ) F-79 :
4: "d-plus" :
5: Remove two double words from the stack and leave their sum :
6: (also as a double word). :
7: Example: [HEX] FFFF 0 1 0 D+ \ gives 0 1 :
8: :
9: D- ( d d -- d ) DOUBLE F-79 :
10: "d-minus" :
11: Remove two double words from the stack and leave their :
12: difference (also as a double word). :
13: Example: 0 1 1 0 D- \ gives (in hex): FFFF 0 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: D. ( d -- ) DOUBLE F-79 :
4: "d-dot" :
5: Print D as a signed number with respect to the current BASE, :
6: followed by one space character. :
7: Example: 123,456 D. \ print 123456 :
8: :
9: D.R ( d n -- ) DOUBLE F-79 :
10: "d-dot-r" :
11: Print D as a signed number with respect to the current BASE, :
12: right-padded in a field of N blank characters. If N is less :
13: than the number of characters occupied by D, do not emit any :
14: padding spaces, but still print the complete number D. :
15: Example: 123,456 8 D.R \ print " 123456" :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: D0< ( d -- f ) DOUBLE - :
4: "d-zero-equals" :
5: Return truth, if the double word on top of the stack is less :
6: than 0. :
7: Example: -1, D0< \ gives -1 :
8: :
9: D0= ( d -- f ) DOUBLE F-79 :
10: "d-zero-equals" :
11: Return truth, if the double word on top of the stack is equal :
12: to 0. :
13: Example: 0 0 D0= \ gives -1 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: D< ( d1 d2 -- f ) F-79 :
4: "d-less-than" :
5: Return truth, if the double word D1 is less than D2. :
6: Example: 123 0 456 0 D< \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: D= ( d d -- d ) DOUBLE F-79 :
9: "d-equals" :
10: Return truth, if the double word D1 is equal to D2. :
11: Example: 123 0 123 0 D= \ gives -1 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: D> ( d1 d2 -- f ) DOUBLE - :
4: "d-greater-than" :
5: Return truth, if the double word D1 is less than D2. :
6: Example: 7, 5, D> \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: DABS ( d -- ud ) DOUBLE F-79 :
9: "d-abs" :
10: Return the absolute value (distance from zero) of D. :
11: Example: -100,000 DABS \ gives 100000 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DBL ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
4: "d-b-l" :
5: True, if the most recent invocation of ?NUMBER or NUMBER :
6: produced a double-length result. :
7: :
8: DECIMAL ( -- ) F-79 :
9: "decimal" :
10: Set BASE to 10 (decimal). Note that you cannot set the base to :
11: 10 by typing 10 BASE ! while the base is not ten, because all :
12: bases are 10 (with respect to their base). Proof: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DEFER ( -- ) Defining Word - :
4: "defer" :
5: Usage: DEFER name ... definition IS name -- Create a word whose :
6: definition (usually a colon definition) will follow later. Used :
7: to create mutually recursive definitions. When a deferred word :
8: that has not been resolved by IS is executed, it will report an :
9: error. :
10: Example: DEFER FOO : BAR ; IS FOO \ FOO now calls BAR :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DEFINITIONS ( -- ) F-83 :
4: "definitions" :
5: Set the CURRENT (q.v.) dictionary to the CONTEXT (q.v.) :
6: dictionary. I.e., all subsequent definitions will be added :
7: to the CONTEXT dictionary. :
8: Example: FORTH DEFINITIONS \ add definitions to FORTH :
9: :
10: DEPTH ( -- u ) F-79 :
11: "depth" :
12: Return the depth of the stack before pushing U. :
13: Example: 1 2 3 DEPTH \ gives 3 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DIGIT ( u -- c ) FIG :
4: "digit" :
5: Convert the value U to an ASCII digit. Digits with values >9 :
6: will be represented by upper-case roman letters (A...). The :
7: value of BASE does not have any influence on DIGIT. :
8: Example: 15 DIGIT \ gives the character "F" :
9: :
11: "d-literal" :
12: Compile the double-length D as a literal (two literals in fact).:
13: For usage see LITERAL. :
14: Example: : foo [ 0 1 ] DLITERAL ; \ will return 65536 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DMAX ( d d -- d ) DOUBLE F-79 :
4: "d-max" :
5: Return the greater one of two double numbers on the stack. :
6: Example: 5, 7, DMAX \ gives 7, :
7: :
8: DMIN ( d d -- d ) DOUBLE F-79 :
9: "d-min" :
10: Return the smaller one of two double numbers on the stack. :
11: Example: 5, 7, DMIN \ gives 5, :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DNEGATE ( d -- d ) F-79 :
4: "d-negate" :
5: Invert the sign of the double word D. :
6: Example: 1 0 DNEGATE \ gives -1 -1 :
7: :
8: DO ( n1 n2 -- ; -- n2 n1 ) IMMEDIATE COMPILE-ONLY F-79 :
9: "do" :
10: Usage: DO ... LOOP :
11: Usage: DO ... +LOOP :
12: Usage: DO ... /LOOP :
13: Initiate a DO loop by moving the initial loop index N2 and :
14: the loop limit N1 to the return stack. See LOOP, +LOOP, and :
15: /LOOP for further details. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DOES> ( -- ) COMPILE-ONLY F-79 :
4: "does" :
5: Usage: : name p1 <BUILDS p2 DOES> p3 ; -- Modify all words :
6: created by NAME in such a way that they will execute P3 at :
7: run time. The code following DOES> will find the PFA of the :
8: executing word on top of the stack. :
9: Example: :
10: : KONSTANT ( w -- ) <BUILDS , DOES> @ ; \ implement CONSTANT :
11: :
12: DRIVE ( u -- ) Code, BIOS version only - :
13: "drive" :
14: Select disk drive 0 or 1. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DROP ( w -- ) Code F-79 :
4: "drop" :
5: Remove the machine word at the top of the stack. :
6: Example: 1 2 3 DROP \ gives 1 2 :
7: :
8: DU* ( ud1 ud2 -- u2 ) DOUBLE - :
9: "d-u-star" :
10: Return the double-size product of the unsigned double-size :
11: numbers UD1 and UD2. :
12: Example: 100,000 5, DU* \ gives 500,000 :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DU< ( ud1 ud2 -- f ) DOUBLE F-79 :
4: "d-u-less" :
5: Return truth, if the unsigned double word UD1 is less than UD2. :
6: Example: HEX FFFE FFFF FFFF FFFF DU< \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: DUMP ( a -- a ) SF :
9: "dump" :
10: Print a hex and character dump of the bytes at A1 through A1+15.:
11: Unprintable characters in the character dump are replaced with :
12: an underscore (_). Return A1+16, so that a subsequent DUMP will :
13: print the next 16 bytes. :
14: Example: TIB DUMP \ dump the beginning of the TIB :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: DUP ( w -- w w ) Code F-79 :
4: "dupe" :
5: Push another copy of the machine word W. :
6: Example: 1 DUP \ gives 1 1 :
7: :
9: "else" :
10: Usage: condition IF ... ELSE ... THEN -- Jump to a matching :
11: occurrence of THEN, skipping all words between ELSE and THEN. :
12: See IF for details. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: EMIT ( c -- ) F-79 :
4: "emit" :
5: Print the character with the ASCII code C. :
6: Example: 42 EMIT \ emit a * :
7: :
8: EMPTY ( -- ) SF :
9: "empty" :
10: Remove all user definitions from the dictionary and set both :
11: the CONTEXT and CURRENT dictionary to FORTH (q.v.). :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: EMPTY-BUFFERS ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "empty-buffers" :
5: Mark all buffers of the system unused and clear their update :
6: flags. When a buffer was changed but not yet written to the :
7: corresponding disk block, the changes will be lost. :
8: :
9: ENTRY ( a -- ) - :
10: "entry" :
11: Convert the packed string at A to dictionary entry format. :
12: Used by definition words to compile dictionary entries. The :
13: string will be changed in place. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ERASE ( a n -- ) FIG :
4: "erase" :
5: Fill N bytes starting at A with null bytes (NUL characters). :
6: When N<0, do nothing. :
7: Example: PAD 100 ERASE \ erase 100 characters at PAD :
8: :
9: EXECUTE ( a -- ) Code F-79 :
10: "execute" :
11: Execute the word stored at address A. The address must be a :
12: parameter field address (PFA). :
13: Example: 1 2 ' DUP EXECUTE \ gives 1 2 2 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: EXIT ( -- ; r -- ) Code F-79 :
4: "exit" :
5: Exit from the currently executing colon word, returning :
6: control to its caller. The address to return to is taken :
7: (and removed) from the return stack. :
8: Example: : FOO EXIT BAR ; \ BAR is never called :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: EXPECT ( a u -- ) F-79 :
4: "expect" :
5: Accept up to U characters from the current input device and :
6: store them at A. Basic line editing is supplied: the backspace :
7: key will erase the most recently entered character; pressing :
8: control+X will exit immediately and set SPAN to 0. Input ends :
9: when either CR is pressed or U characters have been accepted. :
10: In either case a blank character is appended to the input. The :
11: number of characters actually excepted (excluding the extra :
12: blank) is stored in the variable SPAN. When CR is pressed, the :
13: CR character is not stored in the input and echoed as a blank. :
14: Example: PAD 10 EXPECT \ read up to 10 characters into PAD :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: EXTEND ( n -- d ) - :
4: "extend" :
5: Convert N to a double word. :
6: Example: -5 EXTEND \ gives -5 -1 :
7: :
8: EXTRACT ( -- c ) - :
9: "extract" :
10: Extract the current character from the current input buffer. :
11: Does not advance >IN, so calling EXTRACT multiple times will :
12: deliver the same character. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: FENCE ( -- a ) VARIABLE FIG :
4: "fence" :
5: The name field address of the last word in the dictionary :
6: that cannot be removed by FORGET. Calling EMPTY will remove :
7: all words defined after the one pointed to by FENCE. :
8: :
9: FILL ( a n c -- ) F-79 :
10: "fill" :
11: Fill N bytes starting at address A with the character C. :
12: When N<0, do nothing. :
13: Example: PAD 100 [CHAR] X FILL \ fill PAD with 100 X's :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: FIND ( -- a ) F-79 :
4: "find" :
5: Usage: FIND name -- find a dictionary entry for the give name :
6: and return its code field address (CFA). When the given name :
7: cannot be found, return 0; :
8: Example: FIND FIND \ return the CFA of FIND :
9: :
10: FIND-BLOCK ( u -- a T | F ) - :
11: "find-block" :
12: Find a buffer containing the disk block number U. When such a :
13: buffer exists, return its address and truth, otherwise return :
14: false. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: FLUSH ( -- ) SF :
4: "flush" :
5: The same as SAVE-BUFFERS (q.v.). :
6: :
7: :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: FORGET ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "forget" :
5: Usage: FORGET name -- remove the dictionary entry with the :
6: given NAME as well as all entries that were added after NAME :
7: and free the unused space in the dictionary. An error will :
8: occur under the following conditions: (1) NAME was defined :
9: before the word pointed to by FENCE (q.v.). (2) The CONTEXT :
10: vocabulary is not the CURRENT vocabulary. (3) NAME is not :
11: contained in the CONTEXT vocabulary. When an error occurs, no :
12: definition is removed from the dictionary. :
13: Example: : FOO ; FORGET FOO \ FOO no longer exists :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: FORTH ( -- ) VOCABULARY F-79 :
4: "forth" :
5: The vocabulary containing the FORTH system words. :
6: (See VOCABULARY.) :
7: :
8: H ( -- a ) VARIABLE SF :
9: "h" :
10: A pointer to the free space in the dictionary. Increasing :
11: this value will allocate dictionary space, decreasing it :
12: will deallocate space. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: H. ( u -- ) - :
4: "h-dot" :
5: Print U as an unsigned hexadecimal value followed by a blank. :
6: Example: -1 H. \ print FFFF :
7: :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: HD ( a n -- a ) - :
4: "h-d" "hex-dump" :
5: Print a mixed hex and character dump of 16N bytes starting :
6: at address A (print N lines). Print 16 bytes per line. The :
7: output will be similar to that of DUMP, but each line is :
8: prefixed by the address of the first byte in the line. The :
9: address of the first byte after the dump is left on the stack, :
10: so that calling HD again will continue the output where the :
11: previous one ended. :
12: Example: TIB 5 HD \ dump the TIB :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: HERE ( -- a ) F-79 :
4: "here" :
5: The address of the first free byte in the dictionary. :
6: :
7: HEX ( -- ) FIG :
8: "hex" :
9: Set BASE to 16 (hex). :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: HLD ( -- a ) VARIABLE FIG :
4: "h-l-d" :
5: One above the address of the next digit to be emitted by # :
6: during pictured number conversion. For each digit, HLD will :
7: be decremented by 1 and then the digit will be stored at the :
8: resulting address. HLD begins at PAD (q.v.) and grows toward :
9: smaller addresses. :
10: :
11: HOLD ( c -- ) F-79 :
12: "hold" :
13: Usage: between <# and #> -- store an arbitrary character in the :
14: pictured number conversion output. :
15: Example: see <# :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: I ( -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "i" :
5: Usage: in DO loops. Return the current loop index. :
6: Example: : FOO 10 0 DO I . LOOP ; \ count from 0 to 9 :
7: :
8: I' ( -- w ) SF :
9: "i-prime" :
10: Usage: in DO loops. Return the current loop limit. :
11: Example: : FOO 10 9 DO I' . LOOP ; \ print 10 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "if" :
5: Usage: condition IF consequent THEN :
6: If the CONDITION returns a true value, execute the words in the :
7: "consequent". Otherwise skip over the consequent and continue :
8: execution after THEN. :
9: Usage: condition IF consequent ELSE alternative THEN :
10: When ELSE is also given and the condition is false, execute the :
11: words between ELSE and THEN. :
12: Example: : FOO IF -1 ELSE 0 THEN ; \ normalize truth value :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: IMMEDIATE ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "immediate" :
5: Mark the most recently created word "immediate". When a word :
6: marked "immediate" is found by the compiler, it will execute :
7: it instead of compiling it. :
8: Example: : FOO ; IMMEDIATE \ FOO is now immediate :
9: :
10: INDEX ( n1 n2 -- ) - :
11: "index" :
12: List the first line of each disk block from N1 up to (and :
13: including) N2. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: INTERPRET ( -- ) FIG :
4: "interpret" :
5: Read words from the current input buffer and interpret them. :
6: When a word can be found in the dictionary, execute it. When :
7: it cannot be found, attempt to interpret it as a number and :
8: push its value. When that also fails, signal an error. When :
9: STATE is true, compile words and literals to the dictionary :
10: instead of executing them. Words flagged IMMEDIATE (q.v.) will :
11: be executed during compilation, words flagged COMPILE-ONLY will :
12: cause an error while interpreting. Interpretation or compilation:
13: ends, when there are no more words in the input buffer. For :
14: details See >IN, #TIB, and BLK. :
15: Example: : FOO QUERY INTERPRET ; \ a FORTH interpreter :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: INVERT ( w -- w ) EFORTH :
4: "invert" :
5: Flip all bits in the machine word W. :
6: Example: [HEX] FFFF INVERT \ gives 0 :
7: :
8: IS ( -- ) - :
9: "is" :
10: Usage: DEFER name ... definition IS name -- Modify the :
11: deferred word NAME so that its execution will cause the :
12: previously defined word to be invoked. See DEFER. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: J ( -- w ) SF :
4: "j" :
5: Usage: in DO loops. Return the current loop index of an outer :
6: DO loop, i.e. the index of a DO loop in which the current DO :
7: loop is embedded. :
8: Example: :
9: 5 1 DO 5 1 DO I J * . LOOP SPACE LOOP ; :
10: \ print 1 2 3 2 4 6 3 6 9 :
11: :
12: KEY ( -- c ) F-79 :
13: "key" :
14: Wait for a character to become available on the current input :
15: device, consume it, and return it. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "last" :
5: The name field address (NFA) of the most recently created word :
6: (see CREATE). May point to an incomplete definition and/or a :
7: definition that is not yet linked into the dictionary. :
8: Example: : FOO ; LAST @ COUNT 31 AND TYPE \ print FOO :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: LEAVE ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "leave" :
5: Usage: in DO loops. Set the current loop limit to the current :
6: loop index, thereby causing the loop to exit at the next LOOP, :
7: +LOOP, or /LOOP keyword. The body of the loop will execute :
8: completely before exiting. The loop index I (q.v.) will be left :
9: unchanged. :
10: Example: :
11: : FOO 10 0 DO I 5 = IF LEAVE THEN I . LOOP ; \ print 1 2 3 4 5 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: LINK ( -- ) - :
4: "link" :
5: Set CURRENT @ to LAST, thereby linking the most recently :
6: created word into the CURRENT (q.v.) vocabulary. :
7: Example: CREATE FOO LINK \ link FOO into the dictionary :
8: :
9: LIST ( u -- ) F-79 :
10: "list" :
11: List the disk block with the number U. 64 characters will :
12: be listed per line and each line will be preceded by a line :
13: number. U will be stored in SCR (q.v.). :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "literal" :
5: Usage: [ computation ] LITERAL -- Compile W as a literal so :
6: that the value W will be pushed to the stack when executing :
7: the word currently being compiled. Used to compile values :
8: that are computed at compile time. :
9: Example: : FOO [ 3 4 + ] LITERAL ; \ FOO will return 7 :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: LOAD ( u -- ) F-79 :
4: "load" :
5: Load disk block U via BLOCK (q.v.), save the state of the :
6: current input buffer, set the loaded input buffer up for :
7: interpretation, and call INTERPRET (q.v.). When INTERPRET :
8: returns, restore the state of the input buffer. The state of :
9: an input buffer consists of the variables BLK, >IN, and #TIB. :
10: A disk block U is set up for interpretation by setting BLK :
11: to U, >IN to 0, and #TIB to B/BUF (q.v.). :
12: Example: 1 LOAD \ load first disk block :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: LOOKUP ( a1 a2 -- a f ) - :
4: "look-up" :
5: Attempt to find a dictionary entry in the vocabulary at A2 that :
6: matches the packed string at A1. When such an entry is found, :
7: return the NFA of the entry and true. When no such entry is :
8: found, return A1 and false. :
9: : FOO $" DUP" CONTEXT @ @ LOOKUP ; \ look up DUP in CONTEXT :
10: :
12: :loop" :
13: Usage: DO ... LOOP -- LOOP is like +LOOP with an increment of 1.:
14: Example: : FOO 10 0 DO I . LOOP ; \ counts from 0 to 9. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: LSHIFT ( w1 w2 -- w ) Code - :
4: "l-shift" "left-shift" :
5: Shift the bits of the machine word W1 to the left by W2 bit :
6: positions, filling vacant bits with 0. Return the shifted :
7: machine word. :
8: Example: BINARY 1111 2 LSHIFT \ gives 111100 :
9: :
10: M* ( n1 n2 -- d ) FIG :
11: "m-star" :
12: Multiply N1 by N2 and return their product as a double word. :
13: Example: -32768 2 M* \ gives 0 -1 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: M/MOD ( d n -- nm nq ) - :
4: "m-slash-mod" :
5: Divide the double word D by N and leave the resulting floored :
6: quotient (NQ) and division remainder (NM) on the stack. This :
7: is almost FIG FORTH's M/MOD, but this one is signed. :
8: Example: 1 1 16 M/MOD \ gives 1 4096 :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: MARK ( -- a ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "mark" :
5: Compile a placeholder machine word (0) and mark its address :
6: in the dictionary for later backpatching (see RESOLVE). Return :
7: the address of the placeholder. :
8: Example: :
10: \ actual definition of IF :
11: :
12: MAX ( n n -- n ) F-79 :
13: "max" :
14: Return the greater one of two numbers on the stack. :
15: Example: 5 7 MAX \ gives 7 :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: MIN ( n n -- n ) F-79 :
4: "min" :
5: Return the smaller one of two numbers on the stack. :
6: Example: 5 7 MIN \ gives 5 :
7: :
8: MOD ( n1 n2 -- n ) F-79 :
9: "mod" :
10: Return the remainder (modulo) of the division N1/N2. :
11: Example: 255 16 MOD \ gives 15 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: MOVE ( a1 a2 n -- ) F-79 :
4: "move" :
5: Move N machine words from A1 to A2. Start moving at lower :
6: addresses (like CMOVE). When N<1, do nothing. :
7: Example: :
9: \ move the elements of array A to array B :
10: :
11: NEGATE ( n -- n ) F-79 :
12: "negate" :
13: Return the negative value of N. :
14: Example: 10 NEGATE \ gives -10 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: NIP ( w1 w2 -- w2 ) EFORTH :
4: "nip" :
5: Remove the second value on the stack, while leaving the top :
6: value in place. :
7: Example: 1 2 3 NIP \ gives 1 3 :
8: :
9: NOT ( w -- f ) F-79 :
10: "not" :
11: Return truth, if W is false and otherwise return false. This :
12: word is the same as 0=, but its intention is logical negation :
13: rather than comparison with 0. :
14: Example: 1 2 = NOT \ gives -1 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: NUMBER ( a -- n ) FIG :
4: NUMBER ( a -- n | d ) DOUBLE SF :
5: "number" :
6: Convert the string at A to a number and return its value. If :
7: the string does not represent a valid number with respect to :
8: the current base, report an error. When the double word set :
9: is loaded and a comma is found in the string, a double size :
10: value will be returned. See CONVERT. :
11: Example: : FOO $" 123 " NUMBER ; \ gives 123 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: OR ( w1 w2 -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "or" :
5: Return the bitwise logical OR of W1 and W2. :
6: Example: 7 11 OR \ gives 15 :
7: :
8: OVER ( w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 ) Code F-79 :
9: "over" :
10: Push an extra copy of the second value on the stack (W1) to :
11: the stack. :
12: Example: 1 2 3 OVER \ gives 1 2 3 2 :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: PAD ( -- a ) F-79 :
4: "pad" :
5: Return the address of a memory area that can be used for :
6: temporary storage. 64 bytes can be used in either direction :
7: from A. Pictured number conversion uses the memory A-1 toward :
8: lower addresses. There may be significantly more than 64 bytes :
9: of space between the PAD and the parameter stack. Use SP@ to :
10: compute the actual amount of free space. :
11: :
12: PAGE ( -- ) SF :
13: "page" :
14: Clear the console screen. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "performs" :
5: Usage: : name CREATE ... PERFORMS word ... ; :
6: Fetch the subsequent word and store its parameter field address :
7: in the code field of the most recently created word (see CREATE :
8: and LAST). Used in defining words to alter the runtime action :
9: of defined words. The word following PERFORMS must be a :
10: primitive word. Otherwise use <BUILDS and DOES>. :
11: Example: :
13: \ actual implementation of CONSTANT :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: PFA>CFA ( a -- a ) - :
4: "p-f-a-to-c-f-a" :
5: Given the parameter field address (PFA) of a word, move to its :
6: code field address (CFA). :
7: Example: ' QUIT PFA>CFA \ CFA of QUIT :
8: :
9: PICK ( u -- w ) F-83 :
10: "pick" :
11: Fetch the U'th element from the stack an push an extra copy of :
12: it. For example, 0 PICK is DUP, 1 PICK is OVER. :
13: Example: 1 2 3 2 PICK \ gives 1 2 3 1 :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: QUERY ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "query" :
5: Read up to 80 characters into the terminal input buffer (TIB) :
6: using EXPECT and set up the TIB for interpretation by setting :
7: BLK to 0, >IN to 0, and #TIB to the number of characters read. :
8: Do not call INTERPRET, though. :
9: :
10: QUIT ( -- ) DEFER (QUIT) F-79 :
11: "quit" :
12: Clear the return stack, direct input and output to the console, :
13: and enter the outer interpreter loop. :
14: Example: :
15: : FOO ." Hi!" QUIT ; \ prints Hi! and exits without prompt :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: R0 ( -- u ) CONSTANT FIG :
4: "r-zero" :
5: The bottom of the return stack. Note that the stack may :
6: grow upward or downward. On the 8086 it grows toward smaller :
7: addresses. :
8: :
9: R> ( -- w ; w -- ) Code F-79 :
10: "r-from" :
11: Move one machine word from the return stack to the parameter :
12: stack. :
13: Example: see -ROT :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: R@ ( -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "r-fetch" :
5: Copy one machine word from the return stack to the parameter :
6: stack. :
7: Example: :
8: : FOO R> R> R@ -ROT >R >R ; :
9: \ fetch second word from return stack :
10: :
11: READ-BLOCK ( a u -- T | F ) Code - :
12: "read-block" :
13: Read disk block U into a buffer at address A. Return true when :
14: the read operation succeeded and otherwise return false. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: RECURSE ( -- ) EFORTH :
4: "recurse" :
5: Compile the code field address (CFA) of the most recently :
6: created word, i.e. the word that is currently being compiled. :
7: The effect of RECURSE at run time is that the word will call :
8: itself. :
9: Example: :
11: \ recursive factorial function :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "repeat" :
5: Usage: BEGIN ... condition WHILE ... REPEAT -- Jump back to the :
6: BEGIN keyword of a BEGIN-WHILE-REPEAT loop. See WHILE. :
7: :
8: RESET ( -- ) - :
9: "reset" :
10: Finish cold-booting the FORTH system. Set the CURRENT and :
11: CONTEXT dictionaries to FORTH, empty the disk buffers, set BASE :
12: to decimal, restore the default USER variable area, print a :
13: welcome message, and abort execution, thereby transferring :
14: control to the outer interpreter. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: RESOLVE ( a -- ) COMPILE-ONLY - :
4: "resolve" :
5: Replace the value of a previously marked (se MARK) machine word :
6: with the value of HERE. The combination MARK and RESOLVE is used:
7: for backpatching forward jumps. MARK marks the parameter of a :
8: (BRANCH) or (0BRANCH) (q.v.) word and RESOLVE later patches that:
9: parameter, thereby redirecting the branch to HERE. :
10: Example: :
12: \ actual implementation of THEN :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ROT ( w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1 ) F-79 :
4: "rote" :
5: Rotate the third element on the stack to the top. :
6: Example: 1 2 3 ROT \ gives 2 3 1 :
7: :
8: RP! ( a -- ; -- ??? ) Code FIG :
9: "r-p-store" :
10: Set the return stack pointer to A. Note that the content of the :
11: return stack will be undefined after this operation. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: RP@ ( -- a ) Code FIG :
4: "r-p-fetch" :
5: Push the value of the return stack pointer to the parameter :
6: stack. :
7: :
8: RSHIFT ( w w -- w ) Code - :
9: "r-shift" "right-shift" :
10: Shift the bits of the machine word W1 to the right by W2 bit :
11: positions, filling vacant bits with 0. Return the shifted :
12: machine word. I.e., this is a logical shift, not an arithmetic :
13: shift. :
14: Example: BINARY 111000 2 RSHIFT \ gives 1110 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: RX? ( -- c T | F ) Code - :
4: "r-x-question" :
5: Check if a character is available from the console device. :
6: When a character is available, return the character and truth, :
7: otherwise return false. :
8: :
9: S0 ( -- a ) CONSTANT FIG :
10: "s-zero" :
11: The bottom of the parameter stack. Note that the stack may :
12: grow upward or downward. On the 8086 it grows toward smaller :
13: addresses. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: SAVE-BUFFERS ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "save-buffers" :
5: Write all disk buffers that have been marked "updated" to :
6: their corresponding disk blocks and clear their "updated" :
7: flags. When a block cannot be written, report an error. :
8: Example: see COPY :
9: :
10: SCR ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
11: "s-c-r" :
12: The number of the disk block most recently listed by :
13: LIST (q.v.). :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: SIGN ( n u -- u ) - :
4: SIGN ( n ud -- ud ) DOUBLE SF [1] :
5: "sign" :
6: Usage: between <# and #> -- If N is negative, insert a minus :
7: sign into the output of pictured number conversion. In any :
8: case remove N from the stack. :
9: [1] SF describes the effect of <# ... #> as ( d -- a u ) and :
10: the the effect of <# ... SIGN #> as ( n |d| -- a u ). Because :
11: #> cannot detect the presence of SIGN, the only possible :
12: conclusion is that SIGN removes N, even if the text does not :
13: explicitly state this anywhere. :
14: Example: see <# :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: SOURCE ( -- a ) - :
4: "source" :
5: Return the address of the current input buffer. When BLK is :
6: zero, return the TIB and otherwise return the address of the :
7: disk buffer containing the block specified in BLK. :
8: :
9: SP! ( a -- ??? ) Code FIG :
10: "s-p-store" :
11: Set the parameter stack pointer to A. Note that the content of :
12: the parameter stack will be undefined after this operation. :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: SP@ ( -- a ) Code FIG :
4: "s-p-fetch" :
5: Push the value of the parameter stack pointer (before pushing :
6: its value) to the parameter stack. :
7: :
8: SPACE ( -- ) F-79 :
9: "space" :
10: Print a single space character. :
11: :
12: SPACES ( n -- ) F-79 :
13: "spaces" :
14: Print N space characters. When N<1, do nothing. :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: SPAN ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-83 :
4: "span" :
5: The number of characters recently accepted by EXPECT. :
6: :
7: STATE ( -- a ) VARIABLE F-79 :
8: "state" :
9: The state of the outer interpreter. When STATE is 0, the :
10: interpreter is executing words and when state is -1 it is :
11: compiling words. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: SWAP ( w1 w2 -- w2 w1 ) Code F-79 :
4: "swap" :
5: Exchange the top two elements on the stack. :
6: Example: 1 2 3 SWAP \ gives 1 3 2 :
7: :
9: "then" :
10: Usage: condition IF consequent THEN :
11: Usage: condition IF consequent ELSE alternative THEN :
12: The final exit point of a IF-THEN or IF-ELSE-THEN :
13: statement. See IF. :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: THRU ( u1 u2 -- ) - :
4: "thru" :
5: Load disk blocks U1 up to (and including) U2 using LOAD. :
6: Example: 1 25 THRU \ load disk blocks 1..25 :
7: :
8: TIB ( -- a ) CONSTANT F-83 :
9: "t-i-b" :
10: The terminal input buffer (also called text input buffer). The :
11: place where QUERY (q.v.) stores input typed by the user. :
12: :
13: TMP ( -- a ) VARIABLE - :
14: "t-m-p" :
15: Temporary storage location of the system. Do not use. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: TX! ( c -- ) Code - :
4: "t-x-store" :
5: Write the character C to the console device. :
6: :
7: TYPE ( a n -- ) F-79 :
8: "type: :
9: Print N characters starting at address A. When N<1, do nothing. :
10: Example: : FOO $" Hello!" COUNT TYPE ; \ print Hello! :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: U. ( u -- ) F-79 :
4: "u-dot" :
5: Print N as an unsigned number with respect to the current BASE, :
6: followed by one space character. :
7: Example: 50000 U. \ print 50000 and a blank :
8: :
9: U.R ( u n -- ) EFORTH :
10: "u-dot-r" :
11: Print U as an unsigned number with respect to the current :
12: BASE, right-padded in a field of N blank characters. If N is :
13: less than the number of characters occupied by U, do not emit :
14: any padding spaces, but still print the complete number U. :
15: Example: 50000 8 U.R \ print " 50000" :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: U< ( u1 u2 -- f ) F-83 :
4: "u-less-than" :
5: Return truth, if U1 is less than U2. :
6: Example: 40000 50000 U< \ gives -1 :
7: :
8: U> ( u1 u2 -- f ) - :
9: "u-greater-than" :
10: Return truth, if U1 is greater than U2. :
11: Example: 50000 40000 U< \ gives -1 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: U/ ( u1 u2 -- u ) - :
4: "u-slash" :
5: Remove two unsigned values and return their floored quotient, :
6: U1 / U2. :
7: Example: 65535 10 U/ \ gives 6553 :
8: :
9: UDM/MOD ( ud u -- um udq ) DOUBLE - :
10: "u-d-m-slash-mod" :
11: Divide the unsigned double word UD by U and return their :
12: double-size floored quotient (UDQ) and single-size remainder :
13: (modulo, UM). Unlike UM/MOD the operation cannot overflow :
14: (unless U=0). :
15: Example: 1,234,567 10 UDM/MOD \ gives 7 123,456 :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: UM* ( u1 u2 -- ud ) F-83 :
4: "u-m-star" :
5: Return the double-word product of U1 and U2. :
6: Example: 16386 16 UM* \ gives 0 4 :
7: :
8: UM+ ( u1 u2 -- ud ) Code EFORTH :
9: "u-m-plus" :
10: Return the double-word sum of U1 and U2. :
11: Example: 32768 32768 UM+ \ gives 0 1 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: UM/MOD ( ud u -- um uq ) F-83 :
4: "u-m-slash-mod" :
5: Divide the unsigned double word UD by U and return their :
6: floored quotient (UQ) and remainder (modulo, UM). :
7: Example: 65,537 16 UM/MOD \ gives -1 4096 :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: UNLOOP ( -- ) - :
4: "unloop" :
5: Usage: DO ... UNLOOP EXIT ... LOOP -- Remove the index and :
6: limit of a DO loop from the return stack, so that the word :
7: using the loop can EXIT from within the loop. Also works with :
8: +LOOP and /LOOP. :
9: Example: :
10: : FOO 10 0 DO I 5 = IF UNLOOP EXIT THEN I. LOOP ; :
11: \ print 0 1 2 3 4 :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "until" :
5: Usage: BEGIN ... condition UNTIL -- Repeat execution of the :
6: words between BEGIN and UNTIL until the given condition returns :
7: truth, then exit the loop. When the condition is false upon :
8: entering the loop for the first time, the words between BEGIN :
9: and UNTIL are executed once. :
10: Example: :
11: : FOO 10 BEGIN DUP . 1- DUP 0= UNTIL ; \ count from 10 to 1 :
12: :
13: UP ( -- a ) VARIABLE EFORTH :
14: "u-p" :
15: The memory area where USER variables are stored. :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: UPCASE ( a -- ) - :
4: "upcase" :
5: Convert all letters in the packed string at address A to upper :
6: case. :
7: Example: : FOO $" hello" DUP UPCASE COUNT TYPE ; \ type HELLO :
8: :
9: :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: UPDATE ( -- ) F-79 :
4: "update" :
5: Update the currently active disk buffer. The active buffer :
6: is the one most recently accessed with BLOCK or BUFFER (or :
7: LIST or some other words that uses BLOCK or BUFFER). :
8: "Updating" a buffer means to mark it "updated", so that a :
9: subsequent SAVE-BUFFERS operation will write it to disk. :
10: Example: see COPY :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: USER ( u -- ) Defining Word FIG :
4: "user" :
5: Usage: n USER name -- Create a new user variable named NAME :
6: with an offset of N*CELL in the user area. The initial value :
7: of the variable is undefined. Executing NAME will return the :
8: address where the variable stores its value. :
9: Example: 10 USER FOO \ user variable foo uses slot 10 :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: VARIABLE ( -- ) Defining Word F-79 :
4: "variable" :
5: Usage: VARIABLE name -- Create a new variable named NAME and :
6: set its value to 0. When executing NAME later, return the PFA :
7: of the variable, which is the location where the variable :
8: stores its value. :
9: Example: :
10: VARIABLE FOO 10 FOO ! \ create variable FOO and set to 10 :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: VOCABULARY ( -- ) Defining Word F-79 :
4: "vocabulary" :
5: Usage: VOCABULARY name -- Create a new vocabulary named NAME. :
6: When executing NAME later, the vocabulary will become the :
7: CONTEXT vocabulary. :
8: Example: :
9: VOCABULARY FOO FOO \ create FOO, make it CONTEXT vocabulary :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "while" :
5: Usage: BEGIN ... condition WHILE ... REPEAT -- First execute :
6: the words between BEGIN and WHILE. When the condition is true, :
7: execute the words between WHILE and REPEAT and then start over :
8: at BEGIN. When the condition is false, leave the loop and :
9: continue execution after REPEAT. When the condition is false :
10: upon entering the loop for the first time, the words between :
11: WHILE and REPEAT are never executed. :
12: Example: :
14: \ echo keys until ESC is pressed :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: WIPE ( -- ) SF :
4: "wipe" :
5: Wipe the currently active disk buffer by overwriting it with :
6: blanks. :
7: Example: 999 BUFFER WIPE \ allocate and wipe block 999 :
8: :
9: WITHIN ( u ul uh -- f ) EFORTH :
10: "within" :
11: Return truth, if UL <= U < UH. :
12: Example: 65 32 127 WITHIN \ gives -1 :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: WORD ( c -- a ) F-79 :
4: "word" :
5: Extract letters from the current input buffer and advance >IN :
6: until the character C is found or the end of the input buffer :
7: is reached. Copy the extracted characters to a packed string :
8: located at HERE (q.v.). Finally return the address of the :
9: packed string. A C character will be appended to the packed :
10: string, but not counted. When the end of the input buffer is :
11: reached before extracting the first character, return the :
12: address of a zero-length packed string. :
13: Example: : FOO BL WORD COUNT TYPE ; \ echo word after FOO :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: WORDS ( -- ) EFORTH :
4: "words" :
5: Print all words contained in the CONTEXT dictionary. Pause :
6: every 200 words by calling ?ENOUGH (q.v.). :
7: :
8: WRITE-BLOCK ( a u -- a | F ) Code - :
9: "write-block" :
10: Write the buffer at address A to disk block U. Return true :
11: when the write operation succeeded and otherwise return false. :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: XOR ( w1 w2 -- w ) Code F-79 :
4: "x-or" :
5: Return the bitwise logical exclusive OR of W1 and W2. :
6: Example: BINARY 1010 1111 XOR \ gives 0101 :
7: :
8: [ ( -- ) IMMEDIATE F-79 :
9: "left-bracket" :
10: End compiling and start interpreting. Set STATE to 0. :
11: Example: see LITERAL :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: ['] ( -- a ) IMMEDIATE COMPILE-ONLY F-83 :
4: "bracket-tick" :
5: Usage: ['] name -- Look up the given NAME in the dictionary and :
6: compile its PFA as a literal. :
7: Example: : FOO ['] TX! 'EMIT ! ; \ set 'EMIT to TX! :
8: :
9: [CHAR] ( -- c ) IMMEDIATE - :
10: "bracket-char" :
11: Usage: [CHAR] ccc --- When interpreting, leave the ASCII code :
12: of the first of the characters ccc on the stack. When compiling,:
13: compile that ASCII code as a literal. :
14: Example: : FOO [CHAR] A ; \ returns 65 :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: "bracket-compile" :
5: Usage: [COMPILE] word -- Compile the code field address (CFA) :
6: of the subsequent word and skip over that word. Used to compile :
7: words flagged IMMEDIATE (q.v.). :
8: Example: :
10: \ IF and WHILE share the same code :
11: \ Yes, x WHILE y THEN works, but don't do this! :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: [HEX] ( -- w ) IMMEDIATE - :
4: "bracket-hex" :
5: Usage: [HEX] number -- interpret NUMBER as a hexa-decimal number:
6: (using NUMBER) and push its value to the stack. When compiling, :
7: compile the value as a literal. Note: [HEX] parses a single-word:
8: number, even if the double word set is loaded. :
9: Example: : FOO [HEX] FFFF ; \ returns 65535 (or -1) :
10: :
11: :
12: :
13: :
14: :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: \ ( -- ) IMMEDIATE EFORTH :
4: "backslash" :
5: Usage: \ ccc -- A comment. Skip to the next line of input. When :
6: reading the TIB (q.v.), this means to ignore the rest of the :
7: characters in the TIB. When reading a disk buffer, this means :
8: to advance to the next multiple of 64 characters. :
9: Example: \ this is ignored :
10: :
11: ] ( -- ) F-79 :
12: "right-bracket" :
13: End interpreting and start compiling. Set STATE to 1. :
14: Example: see LITERAL :
15: :
16: :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
4: B1ADDR : BLOCK BUFFER 2 : F800h ------------- :
5: B0ADDR : BLOCK BUFFER 1 : F400h v = growing down :
6: UP : USER AREA : F380h :
7: R0, UP : RETURN STACK v : F380h [1] PSP (under DOS) or :
8: TIB : TIB : F000h BIOS variables :
9: S0, TIB : PARAMETER STACK v : F000h :
10: : FREE SPACE : [2] The loader maps the :
11: PAD : PAD : kernel to 40:100, :
12: HERE : FREE SPACE : so in systems with :
13: : USER DICTIONARY : 64K bytes of RAM :
14: : PRECOMPILED SYSTEM : this region is not :
15: : VIRTUAL MACHINE : 0100h available. :
16: : RESERVED [1] : 0000h :
1: ( T3XFORTH Glossary ) :
2: :
3: :
5: - :
8: :
9: 0h : I | C | LEN | NAME_1 :
10: 2h : NAME_2 | NAME_3 :
11: 4h : NAME_4 | NAME_5 :
12: 8h : LINK FIELD :
13: Ah : CODE FIELD :
15: :
16: :
contact |