
This source file is part of the SubC compiler, which is described in the book

Practical Compiler Construction.

You might prefer to download the compiler source code. It is in the public domain.

Constant Expression Parser

This part of the SubC compiler parses constant expressions, i.e. expressions whose value can be computed at compile time, and returns their values.

 *	NMH's Simple C Compiler, 2011,2012
 *	Constant expression parser

#include "defs.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "decl.h"
#include "prec.h"

 * cfactor :=
 *	| IDENT
 *	| - cfactor
 *	| ~ cfactor
 *	| ( constexpr )
 * cterm :=
 *	  cfactor
 *      | cterm * cprefix
 *      | cterm / cprefix
 *      | cterm % cprefix
 * csum :=
 *	  cterm
 *      | csum + cterm
 *      | csum - cterm
 * cshift :=
 *	  csum
 *      | cshift << csum
 *      | cshift >> csum
 * crelation :=
 *	    cshift
 *        | crelation < cshift
 *        | crelation > cshift
 *        | crelation <= cshift
 *        | crelation >= cshift
 * cequation :=
 *	    crelation
 *        | cequation == crelation
 *        | cequation != crelation
 * cbinand :=
 *	    cequation
 *        | cbinand & cequation
 * cbinxor :=
 *	    cbinand
 *        | cbinxor ^ cbinand
 * cbinor :=
 *	    cbinxor
 *        | cbinor ^ cbinxor
 * constexpr :=
 *	 cbinor

static int constfac(void) {
	int	y, v;

	v = Value;
	if (INTLIT == Token) {
		Token = scan();
		return v;
	if (MINUS == Token) {
		Token = scan();
		return -constfac();
	if (TILDE == Token) {
		Token = scan();
		return ~constfac();
	if (LPAREN == Token) {
		Token = scan();
		v = constexpr();
		return v;
	if (Token == IDENT) {
		y = findglob(Text);
		if (!y || Types[y] != TCONSTANT)
			error("not a constant: %s", Text);
		Token = scan();
		return y? Vals[y]: 0;
	else {
		error("constant expression expected at: %s", Text);
		Token = scan();
		return 1;

static int constop(int op, int v1, int v2) {
	if ((SLASH == op || MOD == op) && 0 == v2) {
		error("constant divide by zero", NULL);
		return 0;
	switch (op) {
	case SLASH:	v1 /= v2; break;
	case STAR:	v1 *= v2; break;
	case MOD:	v1 %= v2; break;
	case PLUS:	v1 += v2; break;
	case MINUS:	v1 -= v2; break;
	case LSHIFT:	v1 <<= v2; break;
	case RSHIFT:	v1 >>= v2; break;
	case GREATER:	v1 = v1 > v2; break;
	case GTEQ:	v1 = v1 >= v2; break;
	case LESS:	v1 = v1 < v2; break;
	case LTEQ:	v1 = v1 <= v2; break;
	case EQUAL:	v1 = v1 == v2; break;
	case NOTEQ:	v1 = v1 != v2; break;
	case AMPER:	v1 &= v2; break;
	case CARET:	v1 ^= v2; break;
	case PIPE:	v1 |= v2; break;
	return v1;

int constexpr(void) {
	int	v, ops[9], vals[10], sp = 0;

	vals[0] = constfac();
	while (SLASH == Token || STAR == Token || MOD == Token ||
		PLUS == Token || MINUS == Token || LSHIFT == Token ||
		RSHIFT == Token || GREATER == Token || GTEQ == Token ||
		LESS == Token || LTEQ == Token || EQUAL == Token ||
		NOTEQ == Token || AMPER == Token || CARET == Token ||
		PIPE == Token
	) {
		while (sp > 0 && Prec[Token] <= Prec[ops[sp-1]]) {
			v = constop(ops[sp-1], vals[sp-1], vals[sp]);
			vals[--sp] = v;
		ops[sp++] = Token;
		Token = scan();
		vals[sp] = constfac();
	while (sp > 0) {
		v = constop(ops[sp-1], vals[sp-1], vals[sp]);
		vals[--sp] = v;
	return vals[0];

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