This document describes the "new" T3X/0 language as defined in September 2022.
DO END ! Do nothing
MODULE name; declarations END
Create data objects and functions that are local to the named module. Entities defined inside of the module will not be visible outside of the module except when defined "public" (see PUBLIC). However, entities defined earlier in the program are visible inside of the module, so they may not be redefined inside of the module.
Public functions and data objects can be imported into a program by using the USE statement.
Modules do not nest and modules cannot USE other modules.
The last declaration in a module may be a compound statement. In this case, the statements in the compound statement will execute once,
When USEing a module that is contained in a separate file, the name in the USE statement must name the file and not the module. It is a good idea to name the file after the module (see USE).
MODULE writeline; length(s) RETURN t.memscan(s, 0, 32767); newln() DO VAR b::3; t.write(T3X.SYSOUT, t.newline(b), length(b)); END PUBLIC writeln(s) do t.write(T3X.SYSOUT, s, length(s)); newln(); END END
PUBLIC declaration;
Every constant or function declared inside of a module can be made "public" by prefixing it with the PUBLIC keyword. Public declarations will be made visible outside of the module when importing (USEing) the module. For example, declaring the public entity FOO inside of the module BAR will make the entity visible as BAR.FOO after importing the module.
Only function definitions (including EXTERN and INLINE), CONST declarations, and STRUCT declarations can be made public.
USE name; |
Locate the named module. When the module is already present (because it was defined earlier in the same program or because it was USEd before), do nothing. When the module is not present, load it from a file named "name.t". If that fails, try again to load the file from a predefined internal location (such as directories, disk drives, etc).
When an "alias" is specified, the public entities of the module will be available under the name of the module as well as under the name of the alias. For example, the public WRITE function will be available as T3X.WRITE and T.WRITE after importing the T3X module using the statement
USE t3x: t;
When the module name and the name of the file containing the module disagree, the public entities will become visible under the name of the module and not under the name of the file. For example the public entity FOO contained in the module BAR which is in turn contained in the file QUUX will become visible as BAR.FOO after importing it using
USE quux;
To make it available as QUUX.FOO, the alias can be chosen to be the same as the name:
USE quux: quux;
USE t3x: t; DO t.write(T3X.SYSOUT, "Hello!\n", 7); END
CONST name = cvalue, ... ;
Assign names to constant values.
CONST false = 0, true = %1;
VAR name, ... ; |
Define variables, vectors, and byte vectors, respectively. Different definitions may be mixed. Vector elements start at an index of 0.
VAR stack[STACK_LEN], ptr;
STRUCT name = name_1, ..., name_N;
Shorthand for CONST name_1 = 0, ..., name_N = N-1, name = N; Used to impose structure on vectors and byte vectors.
DECL name(cvalue), ... ;
Declare functions whose definitions follow later, where the cvalue is the number of arguments. Used to implement mutual recursion.
DECL odd(1); even(x) RETURN x=0-> 1: odd(x-1); odd(x) RETURN x=1-> 1: even(x-1);
EXTERN name(cvalue), ... ;
Declare functions whose definitions are contained in external object files. Cvalue is the number of arguments. The external functions may be implemented in a language other than T3X.
This type of definition works only on platforms where T3X generates object files instead of executables.
The external function must have the same name as the name specified in EXTERN with a "t3x_" prefix attached. The calling convention is left-to-right, i.e. the parameters will appear in the opposite order than generated by the C language.
EXTERN chdir(1);
INLINE name(cvalue) = [ byte , ... ], ... ;
Define functions whose code is specified as machine code in byte vectors. Cvalue is the number of arguments.
INLINE nop(0) = [ 0xC9 ]; ! RET on a Z80
name(name_1, ...) statement
Define function "name" with arguments "name_1", ... and a statement as its body. The number of arguments must match any previous DECL of the same function.
The arguments of a function are only visible within the (statement) of the function.
hello(s, x) DO VAR i; FOR (i=0, x) DO writes(s); writes("\n"); END END
(WRITES writes a string; it is defined later in this text.)
The operations of assignment of a value, access to vector elements (subscript), procedure call, and module import are limited to specific types of objects as outlined in the following. Most of these operations are limited to one specific type, but the scalar variable allows for additional operations.
Assignment | Subscript | Call | Import | |
Constant | - | - | - | - |
Structure | - | - | - | - |
Scalar | Yes | Yes | Yes (*) | - |
Vector | - | Yes | - | - |
Procedure | - | - | Yes | - |
Module | - | - | - | Yes |
(*) Indirect procedure calls require the CALL keyword.
name := expression;
Assign the value of an expression to a variable.
DO VAR x; x := 123; END
name[value]... := value; |
Assign the value of an expression to an element of a vector or a byte vector. Multiple subscripts may be applied to to a vector:
vec[i][j]... := i*j;
In general, VEC[i][j] denotes the j'th element of the i'th element of VEC.
Note that the :: operator is right-associative, so v::x::i equals v::(x::i). This is particularly important when mixing subscripts, because
vec[i]::j[k] := 0;
would assign 0 to the j[k]'th element of vec[i]. (This makes sense, because vec[i]::j would not deliver a valid address.)
name(); |
Call the function with the given name, passing the values of the expressions to the function. An empty set of parentheses is used to pass zero arguments. The result of the function is discarded.
For further details see the description of function calls in the section on expressions.
IF (condition) statement_1 |
Both of these statements run statement_1, if the given condition is true.
In addition, IE/ELSE runs statement_2, if the condition is false, while IF just passes control to the subsequent statement in this case.
The example never returns anything, because only an IE statement can have an ELSE branch. There is no "dangling else" problem.
WHILE (condition) statement
Repeat the statement while the condition is true. When the condition is not true initially, never run the statement.
! Count from 1 to 10 DO VAR i; i := 1; WHILE (i < 11) i := i+1; END
FOR (name=expression_1, expression_2, cvalue) statement |
Assign the value of expression_1 to name, then compare name to expression_2. If cvalue is not negative, repeat the statement while name < expression_2. Otherwise repeat the statement while name > expression_2. After running the statement, add cvalue to name. Formally:
name := expression_1; WHILE ( cvalue > = 0 /\ name < expression \/ cvalue < 0 /\ name > expression ) DO statement; name := name + cvalue; END
When the cvalue is omitted, it defaults to 1.
DO VAR i; FOR (i=1, 11); ! count from 1 to 10 FOR (i=10, 0, %1); ! count from 10 to 1 END
Leave the innermost WHILE or FOR loop, passing control to the first statement following the loop.
DO VAR i; ! Count from 1 to 50 FOR (i=1, 100) IF (i=50) LEAVE; END
Re-enter the innermost WHILE or FOR loop. WHILE loops are re-entered at the point where the condition is tested, and FOR loops are re-entered at the point where the counter is incremented.
DO VAR i; ! This program never prints X FOR (i=1, 10) DO LOOP; T.WRITE(T3X.SYSOUT, "x", 1); END END
RETURN expression; |
Return a value from a function. For further details see the description of function calls in the section on expressions. When no expressio is specified the return value is 0.
inc(x) RETURN x+1;
HALT cvalue; |
Halt program and, if possible, return the given status code to the operating system. When no cvalue is specified, it defaults to 0.
DO statement ... END |
Compound statement of the form DO ... END are used to place multiple statements in a context where only a single statement is expected, like selection, loop, and function bodies.
A compound statement may declare its own local variables, constant, and structures (using VAR, CONST, or STRUCT). A local variable of a compound statement is created and allocated at the beginning of the statement is ceases to exist at the end of the statement.
Note that the form
DO declaration ... END
also exists, but is essentially an empty statement.
DO var i, x; ! Compute factorial of 7 x := 1; FOR (i=1, 8) x := x*i; END
These are both empty statements or null statements. They do not do anything when run and may be used as placeholders where a statement would be expected. They are also used to show that nothing is to be done in a specific situation, like in
IE (x = 0) ; ELSE IE (x < 0) statement ELSE statement
FOR (i=0, 100000) DO END ! waste some time
An expression is a variable or a literal or a function call or a set of operators applied to any of these. There are unary, binary, and ternary operators.
-a ! negate a b*c ! product of b and c p.<q | is p unsigned less than q? x->y:z ! if x then y else z
In the following, the symbols X, Y, and Z denote variables or literals.
These operators exist (P denotes precedence, A associativity):
Higher precedence means that an operator binds stronger, e.g. -X::Y actually means -(X::Y).
Left-associativity (L) means that x+y+z = (x+y)+z and right-associativity (R) means that x::y::z = x::(y::z).
A condition is an expression appearing in a condition context, like the condition of an IF or WHILE statement or the first operand of the X->Y:Z operator.
In an expression context, the value 0 is considered to be "false", and any other value is considered to be true. For example:
X=X is true 1=2 is false "x" is true 5>7 is false
The canonical truth value, as returned by 1=1, is %1.
When a function call appears in an expression, the result of the function, as returned by RETURN is used as an operand.
A function call is performed as follows:
Each actual argument in the call
function(argument_1, ...)
is computed, passed to the function, and then bound to the corresponding formal argument ("argument") of the receiving function. Actual and formal arguments are paired by position. The function then runs its statement, which may produce a value via RETURN. When no RETURN statement exists in the statement, 0 is returned.
Function arguments evaluate from the left to the right, so in
A is guaranteed to evaluate before B and C and B is guaranteed to evaluate before C.
pow(x, y) DO VAR a; a := 1; WHILE (y) DO a := a*x; y := y-1; END RETURN a; END DO VAR x; x := pow(2,10); END
An integer is a number representing its own value. Note that negative numbers have a leading '%' sign rather than a '-' sign. While the latter also works, it is, strictly speaking, the application of the '-' operator to a positive number, so it may not appear in cvalue contexts.
Integers may have a '0x' prefix (after the '%' prefix, if that also exists). In this case, the subsequent digits will be interpreted as a hexa-decimal number (with the letters 'a'-'f' or 'A'-'F' serving as the digits 10 through 15).
The range of valid integers on 16-bit platforms is from -32767 to 32767.
0 12345 %1 0xfff %0xA5
Characters are integers internally. They are represented by single characters enclosed in single quotes. In addition, the same escape sequences as in strings may be used.
'x' '\\' ''' '\e'
A string is a byte vector filled with characters. Strings are delimited by '"' characters and NUL-terminated internally. All characters between the delimiting double quotes represent themselves. In addition, the following escape sequences may be used to include some special characters:
\a | BEL | 7 | Bell |
\b | BS | 8 | Backspace |
\e | ESC | 27 | Escape |
\f | FF | 12 | Form Feed |
\n | LF | 10 | Line Feed (newline) |
\q | " | 34 | Quote |
\r | CR | 13 | Carriage Return |
\s | 32 | Space | |
\t | HT | 9 | Horizontal Tabulator |
\v | VT | 11 | Vertical Tabulator |
\\ | \ | 92 | Backslash |
"" "hello, world!\n" "\qhi!\q, she said"
A packed table is a byte vector literal. It is a set of cvalues delimited by square brackets and separated by commas. Note that string notation is a short and portable, but also limited, notation for byte vectors. However, byte vectors can also contain strings as abbreviations. In this case the characters of the string become members of the byte vector. For instance, the byte vectors
"Hello\n" PACKED [ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 10, 0 ] PACKED [ "Hello", 10, 0 ]
are identical. Byte vectors can contain any values in the range from 0 to 255.
PACKED [ 1 ] PACKED [ 0, 255 ] PACKED [ 14, "Hi", 15, 0 ]
A table is a vector literal, i.e. a sequence of literals. It is delimited by square brackets and elements are separated by commas. Table elements can be cvalues, strings, addresses of global variables and functions, and tables. The maximum nesting level for tables is 3 and up to 128 elements may be contained in a flat (non-nested) table.
[ 1, 2, 3 ] [ "5 times -7", %35 ] [ @variable ] [ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1] ]
The dynamic table is a special case of the table in which one or multiple elements are computed at program run time. Dynamic table elements are enclosed in parentheses. E.g. in the table
[ "x times 7", (x*7) ]
the value of the second element would be computed and filled in when the table is being evaluated. Note that dynamic table elements are replaced in situ, and remain the same only until they are replaced again.
Multiple dynamic elements may be enclosed by a single pair of parentheses. For instance, the following tables are the same:
[(x), (y), (z)] [(x, y, z)]
A cvalue (constant value) is an expression whose value is known at compile time. In full T3X, this is a large subset of full expressions, but in T3X/0, it it limited to the following:
as well as (given that X and Y are one of the above):
-X X*Y X+Y X|Y
Symbolic names for variables, constants, structures, and functions are constructed from the following alphabet:
The first character of a name must be non-numeric, the remaining characters may be any of the above.
Upper and lower case is not distinguished, the symbolic names
FOO, Foo, foo
are all considered to be equal.
By convention,
Keywords, like VAR, IF, DO, etc, are sometimes printed in upper case in documentation, but are usually in lower case in actual programs.
Except for modules, there is a single name space without any shadowing in T3X:
Local names may be re-used in subsequent scopes, e.g.:
f(x) RETURN x; g(x) RETURN x;
would be a valid program. However,
f(x) DO VAR x; END !!! WRONG !!!
would not be a valid program, because VAR x; redefines the argument of F.
would not be valid, because the G inside of the module redefines the global G, but
would compile fine, because the module-level G is no longer visible when the global G is declared.
Note that function declarations do not shadow DECL statements, but transform them into function declarations.
The following built-in functions exist in T3X/0. They are mostly identical to the functions of the core class of the original T3X language. The T3X/0 core module has to be imported using the statement
USE t3x: t;
Functions are typically addressed with the alias "t", e.g. t.bpw(), but constants and structures are typically addressed with the full module name, e.g.: T3X.SYSOUT. This is merely a convention, though.
Return the number of bytes per machine word on the processor running the program.
t.memcopy(d, s, n*t.bpw()); ! copy n machine words
T.MEMCOMP(b1, b2, len)
Compare the first LEN bytes of the byte vectors B1 and B2. Return the difference of the first pair of mismatching bytes. A return code of 0 means that the compared regions are equal.
t.memcomp("aaa", "aba", 3) ! gives 'b'-'a' = %1
T.MEMCOPY(bs, bd, len)
Copy LEN bytes from the byte vector BS (source) to the byte vector BD (destination). Return 0. The regions may overlap.
DO VAR b::100; t.memcopy(b, "hello", 5); END
T.MEMFILL(bv, b, len)
Fill the first LEN bytes of the byte vector BV with the byte value B. Return 0.
DO VAR b::100; t.memfill(b, 0, 100); END
T.MEMSCAN(bv, b, len)
Locate the first occurrence of the byte value B in the first LEN bytes of the byte vector BV and return its offset in the vector. When B does not exist in the given region, return %1.
t.memscan("aaab", 'b', 4) ! returns 3
Create a file with the given PATH, open it, and return a file descriptor for accessing the file in write-only mode. In case of an error, return -1.
T.OPEN(path, mode)
Open file PATH in the given MODE, where the following modes exist:
Mode | Access | When Exists | When Non-Existing |
T3X.OREAD | read-only | open | fail |
T3X.OWRITE | write-only | overwrite | create |
T3X.ORDWR | read-write | open | fail |
T3X.OAPPND | append-only | open | fail |
Return a file descriptor or -1 in case of an error."existing-file", T3X.OREAD);
Close the file descriptor FD. Return 0 for success and -1 in case of an error.
DO var fd; fd := t.create("file"); if (fd >= 0) t.close(); END
T.READ(fd, buf, len)
Read up to LEN characters from the file descriptor FD into the buffer BUF. Return the number of characters actually read. Return %1 in case of an error.
DO b::100;, b, 99); END
T.WRITE(fd, buf, len)
Write LEN characters from the buffer BUF to the file descriptor FD. Return the number of characters actually written. Return %1 in case of an error.
t.write(1, "hello, world!\n", 14);
T.SEEK(fd, where, how)
Move the file pointer of the file FD to the specified position. The file pointer indicated the position in the file where the next read or write operation will take effect. WHERE is an unsigned number. HOW may be one of the following:
T3X.SEEK_SET | seek forward from beginning of file |
T3X.SEEK_FWD | seek forward from current position |
T3X.SEEK_END | seek backward from end of file |
T3X.SEEK_BCK | seek backward from current position |
Return 0 upon success and -1 in case of an error.
This function is not available on CP/M., 0, SEEK_END); ! go to end of file
T.RENAME(path, new)
Rename the file given in PATH to NEW. Return 0 for success and -1 in case of an error.
t.rename("old-name", "new-name");
Remove the file given in PATH. Return 0 for success and -1 in case of an error.
Truncate file associated with file descriptor FD at the current position. Return 0 for success and -1 in case of an error.
This function is not available on CP/M.
T.BREAK(@v) |
Intercept keyboard break signals (SIGINT on Unix and BREAK on DOS) and set the variable V to 0. Whenever a keyboard break signal is received, the value of V will change to 1, but the break signal will not terminate program execution.
T.break(0) will reset the keyboard break action to the default (abort program execution). T.break(1), will check the keyboard break status. This makes sense only on DOS, where the break status is only checked under certain conditions. T.BREAK(1) is such a condition.
This function is currently not available on CP/M.
This function is not implemented in the static FreeBSD backend, because signal() is too hard to emulate by now. It is available in the generic Unix backend, though.
DO VAR brk; t.break(@brk); while (brk = 0) t.break(1); t.write(T3X.SYSOUT, "OK\r\n", 4); t.break(0); END
T.GETARG(n, buffer, count)
Retrieve the N'th argument from the program's command line and copy up to COUNT-1 characters of it to the given BUFFER. Delimit the extracted string with a NUL character. Return the number of characters copied. When no N'th argument exists, return -1. The first argument is at N=1.
t.getarg(1, file, 11);
Fill the given BUFFER with a sequence of characters that will advance the cursor to the beginning of the next line on the operating system running the program. Return BUFFER. The buffer must have a size of at least three characters.
DO VAR b::3; t.newline(b); END
This function is only available in the DOS/8086 backend of the T3X/0 compiler.
T.INTR86(int, regs)
Trigger software interrupt INT with registers set to the values in the REGS structure. REGS is defined as REGS[T3X.REG86] and contains the following members: REG_AX, REG_BX, REG_CX, REG_DX, REG_SI, and REG_DI.
T.INTR86 returns the flags register of the 8086. The constants REG86_CF (carry flag) and REG86_ZF (zero flag) can be used to mask the values of flags most commonly used by service routines to indicate success or failure.
Do not use this procedure to invoke service routines that change any of the segment registers! (Like "get interrupt vector".) Doing so will cause all kinds of unpleasant effects, from deleted or altered data to spontaneous crashes or reboots.
DO VAR r[T.REG86]; r[T.REG_AX] := 0x0900; r[T.REG_DX] := "hello, world!\r\n$"; t.intr86(0x21, r); END
These functions are only available in the CP/M backend of the T3X/0 compiler.
T.BDOS(c, ade) |
Call the CP/M BDOS with the value of C (modulo 256) in the C register and the value of ADE in the DE and (modulo 256) in the A register.
T.BDOS returns the value returned by the BDOS in the A register and T.BDOSHL returns the value returned in the HL register.
t.bdos(9, "Hello, World\r\n!$");
sum(k, v) DO var i, n; n := 0; FOR (i=0, k) n := n+v[i]; RETURN n; ENDIts is an ordinary function returning the sum of a vector. It can be considered to be a variadic function, because a dynamic table can be passed to it in the V argument:
sum(5, [(a,b,c,d,e)])
CALL CONST DECL DO ELSE END EXTERN FOR HALT IE IF INLINE LEAVE LOOP MOD MODULE PACKED PUBLIC RETURN STRUCT USE VAR WHILEIn addition the name T3X is reserved for the T3X core module and, by convention, the name T is used as an alias for T3X.
use t3x: t; var ntoa_buf::100; ntoa(x) do var i, k; if (x = 0) return "0"; i := 99; ntoa_buf::i := 0; k := x<0-> -x: x; while (k > 0) do i := i-1; ntoa_buf::i := '0' + k mod 10; k := k/10; end if (x < 0) do i := i-1; ntoa_buf::i := '-'; end return @ntoa_buf::i; end length(s) return t.memscan(s, 0, 32767); writes(s) t.write(1, s, length(s)); fib(n) do var r1, r2, i, t; r1 := 0; r2 := 1; for (i=1, n) do t := r2; r2 := r2 + r1; r1 := t; end return r2; end do var i, b::3; for (i=1, 11) do writes(ntoa(fib(i))); writes(t.newline(b)); end end