SubC Build Status

This source file is part of the SubC compiler, which is described in the book

Practical Compiler Construction.

You might prefer to download the compiler source code. It is in the public domain.


        FreeBSD/x86-64 10.1-RELEASE, clang 3.4.1, SubC 20161124
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        works

        NetBSD/x86-64 7.0.1-RELEASE, gcc 4.8.4, SubC 20160726
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        works

        NetBSD/386 7.0.1-RELEASE, gcc 4.8.4, SubC 20160726
                triple test     passed                                          
                ptest           passed                                          
                systest         passed                                          
                libtest         passed                                          
                signal()        works                                           

        FreeBSD/386 8.2-RELEASE, gcc 4.2.1, SubC 20140525
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        works

        FreeBSD/armv6 10.0-RC5, clang 3.3, SubC 20140525
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        works

        Debian/x86-64 7.5, gcc 4.7.2, SubC 20140525
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        core-dumps

        OpenBSD/386 5.5, gcc 4.2.1, SubC 20140525
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        works (using system libc)

        VectorLinux/x86-64 7.0, gcc 4.5.2, SubC 20140512
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed
                libtest         passed
                signal()        core-dumps

        DOSBox 0.74, cross-compiled with SubC, SubC 20140525
                triple test     passed
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed (except unimplemented)
                libtest         passed
                signal()        n/a

        Windows/386 7 SP1 64-bit, mingw32-gcc 4.8.1-4, SubC 20140519
                triple test     passed (timestamp in binary?)
                ptest           passed
                systest         passed (except unimplemented)
                libtest         passed
                signal()        n/a

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