
This source file is part of the SubC compiler, which is described in the book

Practical Compiler Construction.

You might prefer to download the compiler source code. It is in the public domain.

386 Target Description

This file lists all the code fragments that will be generated by the compiler back-end. It is the only file that will have to change when porting the compiler to a new platform.

 *	NMH's Simple C Compiler, 2011,2012,2022
 *	386 target description

#include "defs.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "decl.h"
#include "cgen.h"

void cgdata(void)	{ gen(".data"); }
void cgtext(void)	{ gen(".text"); }
void cgprelude(void)	{ }
void cgpostlude(void)	{ }
void cgpublic(char *s)	{ ngen(".globl\t%s", s, 0); }

void cglit(int v)	{ ngen("%s\t$%d,%%eax", "movl", v); }
void cgclear(void)	{ gen("xorl\t%eax,%eax"); }
void cgldgb(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s,%%al", "movb", s); }
void cgldgw(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s,%%eax", "movl", s); }
void cgldlb(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp),%%al", "movb", n); }
void cgldlw(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp),%%eax", "movl", n); }
void cgldsb(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d,%%al", "movb", n); }
void cgldsw(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d,%%eax", "movl", n); }
void cgldla(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp),%%eax", "leal", n); }
void cgldsa(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t$%c%d,%%eax", "movl", n); }
void cgldga(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t$%s,%%eax", "movl", s); }
void cgindb(void)	{ gen("movl\t%eax,%edx");
			  gen("movb\t(%edx),%al"); }
void cgindw(void)	{ gen("movl\t(%eax),%eax"); }
void cgargc(void)	{ gen("movl\t8(%ebp),%eax"); }
void cgldlab(int id)	{ lgen("%s\t$%c%d,%%eax", "movl", id); }

void cgpush(void)	{ gen("pushl\t%eax"); }
void cgpushlit(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t$%d", "pushl", n); }
void cgpop2(void)	{ gen("popl\t%ecx"); }
void cgswap(void)	{ gen("xchgl\t%eax,%ecx"); }

void cgand(void)	{ gen("andl\t%ecx,%eax"); }
void cgxor(void)	{ gen("xorl\t%ecx,%eax"); }
void cgior(void)	{ gen("orl\t%ecx,%eax"); }
void cgadd(void)	{ gen("addl\t%ecx,%eax"); }
void cgmul(void)	{ gen("imull\t%ecx,%eax"); }
void cgsub(void)	{ gen("subl\t%ecx,%eax"); }
void cgdiv(void)	{ gen("cdq");
			  gen("idivl\t%ecx"); }
void cgmod(void)	{ cgdiv();
			  gen("movl\t%edx,%eax"); }
void cgshl(void)	{ gen("shll\t%cl,%eax"); }
void cgshr(void)	{ gen("sarl\t%cl,%eax"); }
void cgcmp(char *inst)	{ int lab;
			  lab = label();
			  lgen("%s\t%c%d", inst, lab);
			  gen("movl\t%edx,%eax"); }
void cgeq()		{ cgcmp("jne"); }
void cgne()		{ cgcmp("je"); }
void cglt()		{ cgcmp("jge"); }
void cggt()		{ cgcmp("jle"); }
void cgle()		{ cgcmp("jg"); }
void cgge()		{ cgcmp("jl"); }

void cgneg(void)	{ gen("negl\t%eax"); }
void cgnot(void)	{ gen("notl\t%eax"); }
void cglognot(void)	{ gen("negl\t%eax");
			  gen("incl\t%eax"); }
void cgscale(void)	{ gen("shll\t$2,%eax"); }
void cgscale2(void)	{ gen("shll\t$2,%ecx"); }
void cgunscale(void)	{ gen("shrl\t$2,%eax"); }
void cgbool(void)	{ gen("negl\t%eax");
			  gen("negl\t%eax"); }

void cgldinc(void)	{ gen("movl\t%eax,%edx"); }
void cginc1pi(void)	{ ngen("%s\t$4,(%%eax)", "addl", 0); }
void cgdec1pi(void)	{ ngen("%s\t$4,(%%eax)", "subl", 0); }
void cginc2pi(void)	{ ngen("%s\t$4,(%%edx)", "addl", 0); }
void cgdec2pi(void)	{ ngen("%s\t$4,(%%edx)", "subl", 0); }
void cgincpl(int a)	{ ngen("%s\t$4,%d(%%ebp)", "addl", a); }
void cgdecpl(int a)	{ ngen("%s\t$4,%d(%%ebp)", "subl", a); }
void cgincps(int a)	{ lgen("%s\t$4,%c%d", "addl", a); }
void cgdecps(int a)	{ lgen("%s\t$4,%c%d", "subl", a); }
void cgincpg(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t$4,%s", "addl", s); }
void cgdecpg(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t$4,%s", "subl", s); }
void cginc1iw(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%eax)", "incl", 0); }
void cgdec1iw(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%eax)", "decl", 0); }
void cginc2iw(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%edx)", "incl", 0); }
void cgdec2iw(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%edx)", "decl", 0); }
void cginclw(int a)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp)", "incl", a); }
void cgdeclw(int a)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp)", "decl", a); }
void cgincsw(int a)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d", "incl", a); }
void cgdecsw(int a)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d", "decl", a); }
void cgincgw(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s", "incl", s); }
void cgdecgw(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s", "decl", s); }
void cginc1ib(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%eax)", "incb", 0); }
void cgdec1ib(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%eax)", "decb", 0); }
void cginc2ib(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%edx)", "incb", 0); }
void cgdec2ib(void)	{ ngen("%s\t(%%edx)", "decb", 0); }
void cginclb(int a)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp)", "incb", a); }
void cgdeclb(int a)	{ ngen("%s\t%d(%%ebp)", "decb", a); }
void cgincsb(int a)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d", "incb", a); }
void cgdecsb(int a)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d", "decb", a); }
void cgincgb(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s", "incb", s); }
void cgdecgb(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s", "decb", s); }

void cgbr(char *how, int n)
			{ gen("orl\t%eax,%eax");
			  lgen("%s\t%c%d", how, n); }
void cgbrtrue(int n)	{ cgbr("jnz", n); }
void cgbrfalse(int n)	{ cgbr("jz", n); }
void cgjump(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d", "jmp", n); }
void cgldswtch(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t$%c%d,%%edx", "movl", n); }
void cgcalswtch(void)	{ gen("jmp\tswitch"); }
void cgcase(int v, int l)
			{ lgen2(".long\t%d,%c%d", v, l); }

void cgpopptr(void)	{ gen("popl\t%edx"); }
void cgstorib(void)	{ ngen("%s\t%%al,(%%edx)", "movb", 0); }
void cgstoriw(void)	{ ngen("%s\t%%eax,(%%edx)", "movl", 0); }
void cgstorlb(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t%%al,%d(%%ebp)", "movb", n); }
void cgstorlw(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t%%eax,%d(%%ebp)", "movl", n); }
void cgstorsb(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t%%al,%c%d", "movb", n); }
void cgstorsw(int n)	{ lgen("%s\t%%eax,%c%d", "movl", n); }
void cgstorgb(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%%al,%s", "movb", s); }
void cgstorgw(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%%eax,%s", "movl", s); }

void cginitlw(int v, int a)
			{ ngen2("%s\t$%d,%d(%%ebp)", "movl", v, a); }
void cgcall(char *s)	{ sgen("%s\t%s", "call", s); }
void cgcalr(void)	{ gen("call\t*%eax"); }
void cgstack(int n)	{ ngen("%s\t$%d,%%esp", "addl", n); }
void cgentry(void)	{ gen("pushl\t%ebp");
			  gen("movl\t%esp,%ebp"); }
void cgexit(void)	{ gen("popl\t%ebp");
			  gen("ret"); }

void cgdefb(int v)	{ ngen("%s\t%d", ".byte", v); }
void cgdefw(int v)	{ ngen("%s\t%d", ".long", v); }
void cgdefp(int v)	{ ngen("%s\t%d", ".long", v); }
void cgdefl(int v)	{ lgen("%s\t%c%d", ".long", v); }
void cgdefc(int c)	{ ngen("%s\t'%c'", ".byte", c); }
void cgbss(char *s, int z)
			{ ngen(".lcomm\t%s,%d", s, z); }

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