Cooperative multithreading

Location: lib, 32 Lines

; Scheme 9 from Empty Space, Function Library
; By Nils M Holm, 2010,2012
; Placed in the Public Domain
; (thread-create procedure^0)  ==>  unspecific
; (thread-yield)               ==>  unspecific
; (thread-exit)                ==>  unspecific
; (thread-start)               ==>  unspecific
; (load-from-library "threads.scm")
; Run cooperative threads. THREAD-CREATE adds a new procedure to be run
; as a thread. THREAD-YIELD is used in a thread to pass control to another
; thread. A thread that does no longer have any work to do should exit
; by calling THREAD-EXIT. If it simply exits without announcing this,
; the scheduler will exit, too. THREAD-START starts all threads created
; earlier with THREAD-CREATE. When THREAD-EXIT is called by the last
; thread in the queue, the scheduler will also exit.
; (Example): (define (p n x)
;              (lambda ()
;                (do ((n n (- n 1)))
;                    ((negative? n)
;                      (thread-exit))
;                  (display x)
;                  (thread-yield))))
;            (thread-create (p 100 "A"))
;            (thread-create (p 200 "B"))
;            (thread-start)

(load-from-library "queue.scm")
(load-from-library "letcc.scm")

(define *thread-queue* (make-queue))

(define (queue-thread thread)
  (queue! *thread-queue* thread))

(define (unqueue-thread)
  (unqueue! *thread-queue*))

(define (thread-create thunk)
  (let/cc k
    (queue-thread k)

(define (thread-yield)
  (let/cc k
    (queue-thread k)
    ((unqueue-thread) #t)))

(define thread-cleanup #f)

(define (thread-exit)
  (if (queue-empty? *thread-queue*)
      (thread-cleanup #t)
      ((unqueue-thread) #t)))

(define (thread-start)
  (let/cc k
    (set! thread-cleanup k)

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