A detailed list of differences between CP/NC and ZCN.

General | BIOS | BDOS | CCP | Programs


Renamed ZCN CP/NC, beause it is too different from the original
thing. Reset version number to 1.0.

Moved system sources to system/ and external commands to extcom/.
Moved some programs from utils/ to addcom/, removed the rest of
the utils folder. Also moved zselx to addcom/.

Removed the support/ folder in order reduce the distribution
size. Supported programs will be in a separate package.

There is now an "initialization image" containing FORMAT, SYSGEN,
and RX and a "regular" image for normal use, where the regular
image offers about one kilobyte more space (TOPRAM=C4h). FORMAT,
SYSGEN, and RX are also available as external programs.


Changed console screen layout from 120x10 to 80x8 and font from
4x6 to to 6x8.

The CRT: device now emulates a DEC VT52 terminal with 8 lines
and without hold screen mode, graphics mode, and alternate
keypad mode.

Moved console input and output logic (I/O redirection) from
driver level (term.z, keyboard.z) to BIOS.

Removed code that stops output when Control+Symbol are pressed
from term.z (now done via ^S/^Q in the BDOS.)

Removed mouse support.

Removed screen dump routine (it's a text console).


Fix: Setting the drive to '?' in SEARCHFIRST (17) and SEARCHNEXT
(18) BDOS functions now matches the file name and only ignores
the active user number. I.e. it finds files by all users, but
still only those whose file names match.

Fix: Console Status (11) BDOS function now returns FFh (not 1),
when characters are ready.

Fix: Write Random with Zero Fill (40) now fails instead of
mapping it to Write Random (34).

Fix: Pressing ^C only causes a warm boot in BDOS function 10
(Read Console String), when typed as the first input character.

Added IOBYTE support for the AUX: and LST: devices. CON: can
be redirected to TTY: or copy to LPT:, as before. In addition,
AUX: and LST: can now be redirected to TTY: or CRT:.
Setting the IOBYTE is now done by STAT, so removed '<', '>',
'|', and related commands.

Console Output (2) BDOS function now checks for ^C (warm boot).

Console Input (1), Output (2), and Read String (10) BDOS
functions now test ^S (stop transmission) and pause until ^Q
is pressed.

Control characters can now be input on the console and echo as
^char, where char is the control char + 64, e.g. SOH (1) echoes
as ^A.

Pressing ^X now discards the entire buffer in BDOS function 10
(Read Console String) and erases the last line of input from the
console screen. ^U also discards the buffer, but does not erase
the line.

No longer trying to load COM files from drive A:, if not found
on current drive. Left fallback to user 0 for now.

Added Read Absolute Record (128), Write Absolute Record (129),
and Select Drive (130) BDOS functions for internal use by CP/NC
(formatting disks, sysgen, disk editor).

Removed ZCN-specific BDOS functions (zcnfunc.z).

Hitech C exit() value is no longer stored in (03h), making
room for an IOBYTE.

The console is now a little bit too slow for 9600 baud
(currently about 750 chars per second).


The FORMAT command now expects a /S parameter in order to
reserve system blocks. A disk formatted without reserved
system blocks cannot be made bootable!

Replaced the REXEC command in the initialization image with
the RX command that receives a file using the XMODEM protocol.
RX is also available as an external command for use with the
regular image.


TPA size (*including* 0-page and stack) is now reported by VER
and at boot time. Removed the K3 command.

REN expects its arguments as NEW=OLD now.

ERA now prompts with "ALL (Y/N)? " when given *.* and erases
all only if 'y' or 'Y' is entered.

CLS now sends a VT52 clear screen sequence rather than clearing
the LCD, so it also works on a terminal.

MEMDUMP waits for a key to be pressed before exiting, because
there are only 8 lines on the LCD console.

SUB files are no longer submitted automatically. Use SUBMIT!
Submitted commands are echoed on the console.

The USER command expects a valid user number as argument or
no argument at all. When no argument is given, it displays
the active user number.

The CCP prints FOO? when it cannot find FOO.COM. It prints '?'
when arguments to an internal command are missing, and ARGUMENT?
when a wrong argument is passed to an internal command.

STTY 0 now disables the serial line. Removed the SERIAL command.


Renamed SERTEST CONNECT. The command exits on ^C. ^\ is no
longer special.

Removed prompt (%) command, prompt is always A>, B>, etc.

Removed internal commands, because they should be external:
DUMP, FORMAT, SYSGEN. FORMAT and SYSGEN are still in the
installation image, though.

Removed internal GET command, there will be an external LOAD

Removed internal commands: MORE, XYZZY, RM, CD. !!, CRLF, POKE,
UNSYS, CAPSCTRL (Caps and Ctrl are permanently switched).

Disabled (but did not remove): BDOSDBG, BATWARN (battery
warning is always on).


Standard CP/M commands:

STAT.COM     DSK: is missing, attributes cannot be changed
DUMP.COM     complete
FORMAT.COM   complete
PIP.COM      in progress, most parameters do not work
SUBMIT.COM   complete
SYSGEN.COM   complete

Additional programs:

DBE.COM      simple disk block editor
RX.COM       XMODEM receiver

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